
"a ciegas" in English

"a ciegas" in English
a ciegas{adverb}
Imponer a ciegas un límite de diez metros en toda la Comunidad sería un error.
Blindly imposing a Community-wide ten-metre border would be wrong.
Ahora bien, hoy, funcionamos a ciegas con este objetivo.
We are currently blindly working towards that goal.
Y -no nos engañemos- toda investigación hecha a ciegas será arriesgada.
And - let us not delude ourselves - any research done blindly will be very dangerous.

Similar translations for "a ciegas" in English
Context examples for "a ciegas" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Algunas citas a ciegas pueden ser emocionantes, no todas lo han sido para usted.
Some blind dates can be exciting; not all of those you have been on were.
Esto significa que, como legisladores, en el Parlamento Europeo a menudo legislamos a ciegas.
It means that as legislators in the European Parliament we are often legislating blind.
Sin embargo, no somos favorables a procedimientos administrativos efectuados a ciegas.
We are not in favour of taking blind administrative steps.
Votar a favor de la directiva equivaldría a votar a ciegas.
To vote in favour of the directive would be like buying a pig in a poke.
Una vez más, se nos pide que tomemos una decisión a ciegas.
Once again we are being asked to take an important decision while being kept in the dark.
Esto me permitió optar a la pensión de las personas ciegas y a ser registrado como ciego en Irlanda.
This qualified me for the blind person's pension and to be registered for blind in Ireland.
Señor Presidente, un bombardeo a ciegas de la OTAN acaba de causar la muerte de 80 refugiados.
Mr President, 80 refugees have just been killed as the result of an indiscriminate air attack by NATO.
Cappato, no soy un defensor dogmático y a ciegas de las soluciones que recomienda.
As Mr Cappato is well aware, I am not dogmatically pre-committed to the solutions he recommends.
Permítame recuperar lo que usted ha dicho sobre una cita a ciegas, una metáfora que usted ha elegido de forma acertada.
Let me pick up what you said about a blind date, which was a fine phrase to choose.
Ayer tampoco respondió usted a mi pregunta: ¿Están amenazados los servicios prestados a las personas ciegas?
Yesterday you also failed to answer my question: is there a threat to blind people's services?
Quiero advertir contra tales iniciativas tomadas a ciegas.
I would warn against such ineffectual gestures.
Sin embargo, yo les advierto que la Comisión está rondando a ciegas la misma trampa en la que cayó su predecesora.
However, I am warning you that the Commission is heading straight for the same fate as its predecessor.
Ahora parece que la industria se ha impuesto y está intentando, creo que a ciegas, postergar la estrategia sobre el aire.
Euro-5 PM two-and-a-half is an exceptionally good strategy and has a place in the thematic strategy.
“Cuando hicimos las audiciones «a ciegas» de La Voz de Finlandia, yo tenía más de 80 canciones mezcladas”, explica Virtanen.
“When we did The Voice of Finland’s blind audition, I had over 80 mixed songs,” Virtanen explains.
Tengo la sensación de que actuamos a ciegas.
I rather feel that we are buying a pig in a poke.
No debemos dar aquí el primer paso a ciegas.
We should not put the cart before the horse here.
no me gusta comprar las cosas a ciegas
I don't like buying things without seeing them first
También en este caso avanzaremos a ciegas.
There too we shall be advancing in the dark.
En ese momento, ya no iremos a ciegas, porque el marco presupuestario plurianual ya se habrá presentado.
At that point, we will certainly not be totally in the dark, because the multiannual budgetary framework will already have been presented.
Permítame recuperar lo que usted ha dicho sobre una cita a ciegas, una metáfora que usted ha elegido de forma acertada.
Their approval of this Parliament of ours has never been as high as it is now, and that is something we should make use of.