
"worthful" in Spanish

"worthful" in Spanish
This agreement gives us approximately ECU 10 million worth of fish.
El presente acuerdo nos proporciona pescado por un valor aproximado de 10 millones de ecus.
Korean customers buy some EUR 25 billion worth of EU goods every year.
Los clientes coreanos compran bienes por valor de unos 25 000 millones de euros al año.
The debate we launched two years ago has shown its worth.
El debate que lanzamos hace dos años ha demostrado su valor.
The merit of this Framework Programme is that it gives globalisation a human face, and that is surely worth an additional financial effort.
El mérito de este Programa Marco es que dota de un rostro humano a la globalización, y eso bien se merece un esfuerzo económico adicional.
Let us remember that Italy was one of the promoters of this European enterprise and has unequalled commitment and worth.
Italia, no hay que olvidarlo, fue uno de los promotores de esta aventura europea y tiene deberes y méritos innegables.
As well as merits, every new legal institution has certain flaws which are worth identifying, and it is also worth thinking about how to remedy them.
Al igual que méritos, toda nueva institución jurídica cuenta con algunos defectos que vale la pena detectar y para los que conviene además hallar soluciones.
Over the past few years, this initiative has already proven its worth.
En los últimos años, esta iniciativa ya ha demostrado su valía.
Civil society has proven its worth and has come up trumps.
La sociedad civil ha demostrado su valía y no nos ha fallado.
However, the fund still has to prove its worth.
Sin embargo, el Fondo todavía debe demostrar su valía.

Synonyms (English) for "worth":