
"wading" in Spanish

zancudo{adj.} (ave)
Their relatives are faced with appalling bureaucracy through which they have to wade.
Sus parientes se encuentran con una burocracia aplastante que tienen que vadear.
Madam President, I have to say that this was not an easy report to wade through.
Señora Presidenta, tengo que decir que éste no ha sido un informe fácil de vadear.
they had to wade across a stream
tuvieron que vadear un arroyo
to wade[waded · waded] {intransitive verb}
we had to wade through waist-deep mud
tuvimos que caminar con el barro hasta la cintura

Context examples for "wading" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
In actual fact, I learnt more in those four days in Sarajevo than I could have learnt from wading through reams and reams of written material.
En esos cuatro días, realmente aprendí más de lo que pudiera haber aprendido leyendo miles de páginas.
It is therefore no way to tackle the fact that the decision-making process within the European Union is still akin to wading through treacle.
Tampoco es la respuesta ante la falta de transparencia de la toma de decisiones que sigue existiendo dentro de la Unión Europea.