
"¡un aplauso!" in English

"¡un aplauso!" in English

Similar translations for "¡un aplauso!" in English
an- a
un poco deadjective
Context examples for "¡un aplauso!" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Señorías, solicito un gran aplauso para el Primer Ministro de la República Checa.
Ladies and gentlemen, a big hand please for the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic.
Jacques Delors es uno de los pocos que lo han dicho y merece un aplauso por ello.
Jacques Delors is one of the few who has said it, and for that he deserves all credit.
La Comisión merece un aplauso por el documento de estrategia que nos ha presentado.
The Commission deserves praise for the strategy document that it has presented to us.
Se trata de un gran paso adelante para Iraq, que merece un aplauso.
I need hardly make that point to the European Parliament in light of recent events.
Pocos Comisarios habrán recibido un aplauso tan largo e intenso como el suyo.
Few Commissioners have received such long and loud applause as you.
Nuestra sesión parlamentaria de hoy es un ejercicio de aplauso carente de sentido.
Our parliamentary quickie today is a pointless clapping exercise.
En tercer lugar, señor Comisario, el aplauso de los gobiernos no es un aplauso desinteresado.
Thirdly, Commissioner, the applause of the governments is not disinterested applause.
Señora Presidenta, acaba de haber un fuerte aplauso porque hemos terminado las votaciones.
Madam President, there has just been some enthusiastic applause because this vote has ended.
Su comunicación y el posterior programa de acción merecen un aplauso.
Its communication and then the programme for action are very welcome.
(La Asamblea, puesta en pie, dedica un prolongado aplauso a la oradora)
(The Members of the House stand up and there is prolonged applause)
Se trata de un gran paso adelante para Iraq, que merece un aplauso.
It is a huge step forward for Iraq and one that should be welcomed.
Tenemos que tocarle esta melodía al Consejo y esperar un aplauso.
We have to play this tune to the Council and hope for its applause.
Puede usted dejar de esperar un aplauso por ello de parte de mi grupo.
You can expect no applause for this from my group.
Pienso que quizás estaría bien, Presidente, si felicitásemos con un caluroso aplauso a nuestra afable y experta colega.
I think it might be nice, Mr President, to offer her our warmest congratulations.
Lo recibimos rápidamente, lo debatimos rápidamente en el Parlamento y esto merece un aplauso.
We quickly received the package and discussed it promptly in Parliament, which is a praiseworthy achievement.
Pido para todos ellos un aplauso de reconocimiento y gratitud.
I would ask you to give them a round of applause to express our recognition of their work and our gratitude.
Los autores de la propuesta de resolución merecen un aplauso por haber incluido la siguiente idea clave.
Credit is due to the authors of the motion for a resolution for having included the following key idea.
Sí, estoy de acuerdo, un aplauso para ellos.
Yes, I agree, a round of applause would be quite appropriate.
Personalmente, me parece un hecho digno de aplauso.
For me personally, it is something worthy of applause.
Señor Presidente, ¡Mi aplauso por un informe de gran calidad!
Mr President, support this excellent report!