
"transiente" in English

"transiente" in English
transitorio{adj. m}
Only mild and transient adverse events were reported in the included trials.
En los ensayos incluidos sólo se informaron eventos adversos leves y transitorios.
Adverse effects were generally minor and transient.
Los efectos adversos fueron generalmente leves y transitorios.
Symptoms are usually mild and transient and include intermittent bleeding from the anus and pain.
Los síntomas en general son leves y transitorios e incluyen sangrado intermitente por el ano y dolor.
pasajero{adj. m}
But historic moments are transient - they do not last forever.
No obstante, los momentos históricos son pasajeros; no duran para siempre.
Then there is the question and a comment made by Mr Manders on Article 5 and in particular on the words " transient " and " incidental ".
Manders sobre el artículo 5 y en particular las palabras " pasajero " e " incidental ".
The economic crisis we are experiencing is not transient but structural, and connected to changes in the markets as another consequence of globalisation.
La crisis económica que experimentamos no es pasajera, sino estructural, y está relacionada con los cambios introducidos en los mercados como una de las consecuencias de la globalización.
In part, of course, this is a legacy of Communism, which was a system that attempted to eliminate social problems and to bestow transient joy on all its citizens by means of decrees.
En parte es, desde luego, herencia del comunismo, que era un sistema que buscaba borrar los problemas sociales e insuflar una alegría fugaz en todos los ciudadanos a golpe de decreto.

Synonyms (English) for "transient":