
"tragedy" in Spanish

"tragedy" in Spanish
At the moment, this tragedy can be witnessed in Lampedusa; and it is a grave tragedy.
De momento, estamos presenciando esta tragedia en Lampedusa; y se trata de una grave tragedia.
It was a true European tragedy and once again, a tragedy that we needed like a hole in the head.
Fue una verdadera tragedia para Europa y una vez más, una tragedia que nadie deseaba.
It is an absolute tragedy that the European Union is moving in this direction.
Es una tragedia absoluta que la Unión Europea se esté moviendo en esa dirección.

Synonyms (English) for "tragedy":
Context examples for "tragedy" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
You are beginning your mission at a moment of immense tragedy for your country.
Usted comienza su misión en un momento inmensamente trágico para su país.
The tragedy is that, despite all the failures, Mr Rocard never wearies of his utopia.
El drama es que, fracaso tras fracaso, el Sr. Rocard nunca se cansa de sus utopías.
The reality emerging from the capitalist onslaught is a terrible tragedy.
La realidad que resulta de la ofensiva del capitalismo es dramática e inaceptable.
Finally, and this is my third point, the tragedy in Lebanon has been a terrible lesson.
Por fin, y es el tercer punto, el drama libanés ha sido una terrible lección.
MrPresident, the tragedy in Asia is still inconceivable for many of us.
MrPresident, the tragedy in Asia is still inconceivable for many of us.
Yes, it has a price, but obviously it is too high - until tragedy strikes.
Sí, tiene un precio, sin duda excesivo, salvo cuando el drama está presente.
And look at the human tragedy this entails: every year, avalanches claim many victims.
Esto provoca dramas humanos: cada año los aludes causan numerosas víctimas.
That is a measure of this tragedy, which we cannot simply stand aside from.
Esto es reflejo de una situación catastrófica que no podemos seguir tolerando sin más.
So I recognise the tragedy she describes and the consequences that have followed.
Estoy plenamente de acuerdo con los puntos planteados en la pregunta.
What we are talking about in Sudan is the real tragedy of our time.
Ni esos crímenes ni los criminales que los perpetraron deben permanecer impunes.
It is correct that the former Minister of Justice is not personally guilty in the tragedy.
Es cierto que el antiguo Ministro de Justicia no es culpable personalmente del drama.
We need doctors, architects and people to relieve the pain of the tragedy.
Necesitamos médicos, arquitectos y gente que palíe el dolor del drama.
We all agree, therefore, that the tragedy of the refugees is urgent and important.
Por tanto, todos estamos de acuerdo en que el drama de los refugiados es urgente e importante.
The summit took place with the dreadful tragedy of Kosovo as a backdrop.
Se ha desarrollado con el espantoso drama de Kosovo como telón de fondo.
We must show unwavering solidarity in the light of this human tragedy.
Frente a este drama humano, hemos de mostrar una solidaridad sin fisuras.
It is an absolute tragedy that 20% of young people are unemployed.
Resulta absolutamente trágico que un 20 % de los jóvenes estén desempleados.
This would be a real tragedy and one which would weigh heavily on the conscience of us all.
Y eso es realmente trágico y un cargo de conciencia para todos nosotros.
This is a tragedy, responsibility for which lies principally at Mr Lukashenko's door.
Es trágico, y es, sobre todo, responsabilidad del Sr. Lukaschenko.
The Kurdish tragedy is one of the most striking and prolonged examples.
El drama kurdo es uno de los ejemplos más reprobables e interminables.
The tragedy is that no-one is going to stand up and deny what I am saying.
Lo trágico es que nadie tomará la palabra para negar lo que digo.