
"toda la noche" in English

"toda la noche" in English
ordenó que se montara guardia durante toda la noche frente a la embajada
she ordered that an all-night guard be mounted outside the embassy
las enfermeras se relevaron para atenderla toda la noche
the nurses took turns at looking after her all night
sus padres le preguntaron dónde había estado toda la noche
his parents questioned him about where he had been all night

Similar translations for "toda la noche" in English
la- lah- A
Context examples for "toda la noche" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Durante toda la noche, los niños dieron muchos problemas a sus padres.
So the whole night that young one really created trouble for his parents.
Tenemos algunos bloques y edificios de oficinas que dejan encendidas las luces toda la noche.
We have a number of office blocks and buildings that leave their lights on at night.
ordenó que se montara guardia durante toda la noche frente a la embajada
she ordered that an all-night guard be mounted outside the embassy
Los debates se prolongaron toda la noche, y las partes avanzaban y retrocedían sin querer ceder.
The discussions went on all night with each side going to and fro and neither wanting to give in.
sus padres le preguntaron dónde había estado toda la noche
his parents questioned him about where he had been all night
se instaló en el sillón y se quedó allí toda la noche
she installed herself in the armchair and didn't move all evening
lloró toda la noche, no hubo manera de hacerlo callar
he cried all night, nothing we could do would make him stop
las enfermeras se relevaron para atenderla toda la noche
the nurses took turns at looking after her all night
De hecho, si pudiera mejorar también mi capacidad intelectual, me quedaría aquí masticando sucralosa toda la noche.
Indeed, if it could do something for my brainpower as well, I would sit here munching it all night.
solían quedarse levantados toda la noche hablando de política
they'd sit up all night discussing politics
Negociamos durante toda la noche, a veces nos intercambiamos peces que no existen y, al final, todo el mundo ha ganado.
We negotiate all night, we sometimes exchange fish that are not there and in the end everybody has won.
se pasaron toda la noche alegando de política
they spent the whole night arguing about politics
no me pude escapar de aquel pesado en toda la noche
I was marooned with that bore all evening
nos liamos a hablar y estuvimos allí toda la noche
we got talking and we were there all night
los equipos de rescate trabajaron sin descanso toda la noche
rescue workers toiled all night
el niño no ha rechistado en toda la noche
we haven't heard a peep out of the baby all night
pasó toda la noche batallando con su conciencia
all night he wrestled with his conscience
pasaron toda la noche junto a su cabecera
they sat at his bedside throughout the night
los mosquitos la mortificaron toda la noche
she was tormented by mosquitos all night
los perros no dejaron de ladrar en toda la noche
the dogs kept on barking all night