
"to become reality" in Spanish

"to become reality" in English

Similar translations for "to become reality" in Spanish
Context examples for "to become reality" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We support your plans and hope that they will become a reality in their entirety.
Apoyamos sus planes y esperamos que se conviertan en una realidad en su totalidad.
Like many, I watch and wonder as to whether nuclear fusion will ever become a reality.
Como muchos, miro y me pregunto si la fusión nuclear se hará realidad algún día.
Something that had seemed impossible just a few years previously has become reality.
Algo que parecía impensable hace algunos años se ha convertido en realidad.
Let us prepare for the day when nuclear weapons in Iran become a reality.
Preparémonos para el día en que se hagan realidad las armas nucleares en Irán.
The population of Romania deserves to see its accession become a reality at last.
La población de Rumanía merece que su adhesión se haga por fin realidad.
Then we must make a joint contribution so that it can actually become a reality.
Entonces, tenemos que contribuir de forma conjunta para que esto se convierta en realidad.
At the moment, this is still a vision, but I hope that it will soon become a reality.
En estos momentos aún es una visión, pero espero que pronto se convierta en realidad.
Various Community instruments have enabled this right to become a reality.
Diferentes instrumentos comunitarios permitieron hacer realidad ese derecho.
This, Mr President, is what we urge you to do and what we hope will soon become a reality.
Eso, señor Presidente, es lo que pedimos y lo que esperamos sea próxima realidad.
If our wishes are to become a reality, we need to assist and cooperate with Croatia.
Pero si queremos que nuestros deseos se cumplan, debemos ayudar y cooperar con Croacia.
Europe will become a reality when it is sensitive to the problems faced by its citizens.
Europa será una realidad cuando esté mentalizada con los problemas de sus ciudadanos.
The modernisation that is being declared in Russia has not yet actually become a reality.
La modernización declarada en Rusia aún no se ha convertido en una realidad.
Only then will we have met our challenge, and will the great ideal have become a reality.
Solo entonces habremos superado nuestro reto y el gran ideal se habrá hecho realidad.
In this way, peace will start to become a reality in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
De hacerlo así, la paz empezará a ser en Bosnia Herzegovina una realidad.
We hope that this important Cologne Council decision will become a reality.
Deseamos sinceramente que se haga realidad esta importante decisión del Consejo de Colonia.
Such solidarity will then become a reality and not just a set of political objectives.
Dicha solidaridad será entonces una realidad y no solo un conjunto de objetivos políticos.
The 0.7% that we have been hearing about since 1970 must finally become a reality.
El 0,7 % declarado desde 1970 tendrá que hacerse por fin realidad.
The enlarged European Union needs all of this to become a reality.
La Unión Europea ampliada necesita todo eso para convertirse en una realidad.
The demands and the objectives from Lisbon and Gothenburg must now become reality.
Las exigencias y los objetivos de las estrategias de Lisboa y Gotemburgo deben hacerse realidad.
If this desire is to become a reality, certain conditions must be fulfilled.
Si queremos que este deseo se convierta en realidad, hay que cumplir determinadas condiciones.