
"to be widowed" in Spanish

"to be widowed" in Spanish

Similar translations for "to be widowed" in Spanish
Context examples for "to be widowed" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The same principle applies to deacons who have been widowed.(44)
Esto mismo es válido para los diáconos que han enviudado.(44)
Those widowed by conflicts are forced to bring up children and look after the elderly by themselves.
Las viudas se han visto obligadas a hacerse cargo de la educación de los hijos y a mantener a los viejos.
Women have been widowed and children left orphaned.
Las mujeres se han quedado viudas y los niños huérfanos.
the war widowed many thousands of young women
la guerra dejó viudas a muchos miles de mujeres jóvenes
Since the Taliban came to power there has been an unprecedented campaign of terror against women, young or old, married or widowed.
Desde que los talibanes tienen el poder allí, se ha iniciado una política de terror sin precedentes contra las mujeres de todas las edades y condición.
she was widowed twice
enviudó dos veces
his widowed sister
su hermana viuda
to be widowed
quedar viudo
Women have been stripped of their most basic rights, and the countless women widowed by the fighting are no longer allowed to earn an income for their families.
Las mujeres han sido despojadas de sus derechos más elementales, las innumerales viudas de guerra han perdido la posibilidad de ganarse unos ingresos para sus familias.