
"thieving" in Spanish

"thieving" in Spanish
to thieve{transitive verb}
mangoneo{m} [coll.] (robo)
rapaz{adj.} (que roba)
Intervention aimed at shoring up the corrupt, thieving, mafia-riddled Berisha regime which you have nurtured and succoured and are now intent on sustaining.
Se trata de una intervención que viene a apoyar el decadente, rapaz y mafioso régimen de Berisha, que ustedes han criado, han alimentado y ahora quieren volver a proteger.
All these Foreign Ministers, all these thieving, corrupt ministers? '
¿Tantos Ministros de Exteriores, tantos Ministros ladrones y corruptos?»
All these Foreign Ministers, all these thieving, corrupt ministers?'
¿Tantos Ministros de Exteriores, tantos Ministros ladrones y corruptos?»
Down with thieving Rome, down with thieving Rome!
¡Fuera Roma ladrona, fuera Roma ladrona!
to thieve[thieved · thieved] {transitive verb}
If prices are shown, it is obvious that thieves will only take the most expensive items.
Si los precios estuviesen indicados, está claro que únicamente se robarían los objetos más caros.

Synonyms (English) for "thieving":
Context examples for "thieving" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The leader of the Lega Nord-Padania, MrCè, was prevented from speaking because he dared to utter a phrase – ‘(thieving Rome) – which was censored.
No se permitió hablar al dirigente de la , el Sr.Cè, por haberse atrevido a pronunciar una frase –– que estaba censurada.