
"termination of pregnancy" in Spanish

"termination of pregnancy" in English
Voluntary termination of pregnancy is a matter of exclusive competence for each individual Member State.
La interrupción voluntaria del embarazo es una cuestión que compete exclusivamente a cada Estado miembro.
Yesterday in Portugal, the Portuguese people voted in a referendum to decriminalise the voluntary termination of pregnancy.
Ayer, en Portugal, el pueblo portugués voto en referendo a favor de despenalizar la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo.

Context examples for "termination of pregnancy" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Voluntary termination of pregnancy is a matter of exclusive competence for each individual Member State.
La interrupción voluntaria del embarazo es una cuestión que compete exclusivamente a cada Estado miembro.
Parliament cannot give a ruling on voluntary termination of pregnancy, nor, indeed, on the legality of a judgment.
El Parlamento no puede tomar una decisión sobre la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo, ni sobre la legalidad de una sentencia.
Yesterday in Portugal, the Portuguese people voted in a referendum to decriminalise the voluntary termination of pregnancy.
Ayer, en Portugal, el pueblo portugués voto en referendo a favor de despenalizar la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo.
termination of pregnancy
interrupción voluntaria del embarazo
termination of pregnancy
interrupción del embarazo
Poor women pay with their health and even with their lives for the monstrous laws that prevent them from gaining access to a safe and hygienic voluntary termination of pregnancy.
La lucha contra la exclusión social de la mujer requiere medidas prácticas, como establece, en realidad, la Estrategia de Lisboa.
My thoughts go particularly to Simone Veil, who was president of this Parliament and who gave France a law allowing the voluntary termination of pregnancy.
Pienso muy especialmente en Simone Veil, que fue Presidenta de este Parlamento y dotó a Francia de una ley que permite la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo.
We must not forget that those who suffer most from the consequences of criminalising the voluntary termination of pregnancy are women from the poorest sections of society.
No debemos olvidar que quienes más sufren las consecuencias de la penalización de la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo son las mujeres de los estratos más pobres de la sociedad.
Poor women pay with their health and even with their lives for the monstrous laws that prevent them from gaining access to a safe and hygienic voluntary termination of pregnancy.
Las mujeres pobres pagan con su salud e incluso con su vida las leyes monstruosas que les impiden tener acceso a una interrupción voluntaria del embarazo segura e higiénica.
The Lisbon government made its decision, an incorrect decision, based on assumptions and hearsay in order to intimidate women who support voluntary termination of pregnancy.
El gobierno de Lisboa tomó una decisión, una decisión incorrecta, basándose en suposiciones y habladurías para intimidar a las mujeres que defienden la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo.
This is followed by a single line about contraception and the termination of pregnancy, abortion, two topics which are actually very different, and which need to be considered very differently.
A ello le sigue una sola línea sobre anticoncepción y la interrupción del embarazo, el aborto, dos temas que en realidad son muy distintos, y que deben tenerse en cuenta de manera muy diferente.