
"tarring" in Spanish

alquitranado{m} (acción)
Sometimes, in the debate on biofuels, we forget that oil is also produced and sometimes it is produced from tar sands.
A veces, en el debate sobre biocombustibles, nos olvidamos de que el petróleo también se produce y en ocasiones procede de arenas alquitranadas.
embrear {v.t.}
petrolizar {v.t.} [Col.] (carretera)
They concern paragraph 13 on the tar content in rolling tobacco.
Se trata del punto 13 sobre el contenido en alquitrán en el tabaco de liar.
The EU already regulates health warnings and tar yields.
La UE ya regula las advertencias sanitarias y los niveles de alquitrán.
Descriptions such as low tar, mild and light must in future be banned.
Descripciones como bajo contenido de alquitrán, suave y ligero deberán ser prohibidas en el futuro.
tar(also: pitch)
coal tar soap
jabón de brea
tar(also: pitch)
We thought we had warded off the danger, but soon afterwards, the coastline of Galicia was ruined by the tar from an even worse accident than the previous one: the Prestige.
Creíamos que habíamos conjurado el peligro, pero poco después las costas de Galicia se arruinaron con el chapapote procedente de otro accidente aún mayor que el primero, el del buque Prestige.
tar(also: pitch)
pez{m} [ind.]
tar(also: pitch)
chapopote{m} [ind.] [Spa.] (alquitrán)
managuá{m} [Chile] [coll.]

Synonyms (English) for "tar":
Context examples for "tarring" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
As was often the case, you took visible delight in tarring all critics with the same brush, because they were all useless.
Como solía ser habitual, usted se recreó en despachar todas las críticas de un simple brochazo, ya que todas eran inútiles.