
"subsequent treatment" in Spanish

"subsequent treatment" in English

Context examples for "subsequent treatment" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The subsequent treatment costs can be up to one hundred times higher than those of normal tuberculosis.
El coste de esos tratamientos puede ser hasta cien veces superior que el de la tuberculosis normal.
Even the best early detection is of no use however if subsequent treatment is inadequate, or downright wrong.
Pero ni el mejor diagnóstico precoz sirve de nada si el tratamiento posterior es insuficiente o incluso erróneo.
However, even the best early detection system is of no use if subsequent treatment is inadequate or inappropriate.
No obstante, incluso los mejores sistemas de detección temprana no sirven de nada si el tratamiento posterior no es adecuado.
If water resources are to be used sustainably, the price of water to users must reflect both the costs of delivery and the costs of subsequent treatment.
Si queremos que los recursos hídricos se utilicen de manera sostenible, el precio del agua que pagan los usuarios debe reflejar los costes de suministro y los costes del tratamiento posterior.