
"statistical study" in Spanish

"statistical study" in Spanish

Similar translations for "statistical study" in Spanish
Context examples for "statistical study" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
There is enough information to carry out a statistical study aimed at allowing us to lower the authorized figure and even bring it close to zero.
Hay suficientes datos para hacer un trabajo estadístico con el objetivo de poder rebajar la cifra autorizada e incluso aproximarla a cero.
Therefore, the claim of a possible 86-hour working week is an assumption not supported by any statistical data, study or survey.
Por consiguiente, el argumento referente a la posibilidad de una semana de 86 horas laborales es un supuesto que no se fundamenta en ningún dato, estudio ni encuesta estadística.