
"vedado" in English

"vedado" in English
shoot{noun} [Brit.] (land)
forbidden{adj.} (ground, territory)
este sitio les está vedado a los extranjeros
this place is forbidden to foreigners
Tenemos que vedar a los bancos que realicen transacciones con paraísos fiscales o que rehúsen cooperar con la actividad en Europa.
We have to ban any banks that perform transactions with tax havens or that refuse to cooperate from operating in Europe.
vedar el consumo de carne
to ban the consumption of meat
Italia y Luxemburgo las han vedado temporalmente.
Italy and Luxembourg have temporarily banned it.
Prohibir la pesca en el Mar Báltico sería como vedar los mejillones o las patatas fritas en Bélgica, cosa que me parece impensable.
Prohibiting fish from the Baltic would be rather like prohibiting mussels and pommes frites in Belgium, something I imagine would be unthinkable.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "vedado":
Context examples for "vedado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El acceso a partes considerables del espacio aéreo sigue vedado a todo tipo de tráfico, salvo el militar.
Substantial areas of airspace continue to be barred to any but military traffic.
¡verdaderamente, les está absolutamente vedado [tan siquiera] oirla!
It is not fit work for them; nor is it in their power to do so.
Yo manifesté desde el principio que el acceso al despacho de los diputados debía estarle vedado a la OLAF.
I said from the outset that members ' offices were off limits for OLAF.
Yo manifesté desde el principio que el acceso al despacho de los diputados debía estarle vedado a la OLAF.
I said from the outset that members' offices were off limits for OLAF.
Italia y Luxemburgo las han vedado temporalmente.
Italy and Luxembourg have temporarily banned it.
este sitio les está vedado a los extranjeros
this place is forbidden to foreigners
esa profesión es terreno vedado a las mujeres
that profession is a male preserve
en esta casa ese tema está vedado
we don't mention that subject in this house
La mayor parte de los hijos de refugiados tienen vedado el acceso a nuestro territorio.
There are many children in the Union too who work and the children of refugees are often excluded from entry into our countries.
vedado de caza
game preserve
Por lo que respecta a las referencias explícitas a grupos políticos democráticos, como acabamos de escuchar, el Consejo considera que ese es terreno vedado.
As far as explicit reference to democratic political groups is concerned, the Council, as we have just heard, regards that as a no-go area.