
"unsaid" in Spanish

"unsaid" in Spanish
dicho{adj. m}
I accept everything he has said and I understand the reasons why he said what he said.
Acepto todo lo que ha dicho y comprendo las razones por las que lo ha dicho.
That is how these things link in, just as Mr Barnier said earlier.
Éste es el modo en que se interrelacionan dichos asuntos, tal como ha dicho antes el señor Barnier.
There is no contradiction between what the President said and what I said.
No existe ninguna contradicción entre lo que el Presidente ha dicho y lo que yo he dicho.
dicha{adj. f}
It has to be said that this invitation itself is a major step forward.
Hay que decir que dicha invitación ya constituye por sí sola un gran paso adelante.
I said myself that it had been declared inadmissible by the presidency.
Yo misma dije que la Presidencia declaró inadmisible dicha enmienda.
It has been said that this effectiveness has not been demonstrated.
Se ha dicho que no se ha demostrado dicha efectividad.

Synonyms (English) for "said":
Context examples for "unsaid" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It was misleading that this essential detail was left unsaid.
Es engañoso que no se haya mencionado este dato fundamental.
It was misleading that this essential detail was left unsaid.
No es adecuado recurrir al derecho a apelar incesantemente.
What my report leaves unsaid relates to the legal basis.
De lo que mi informe no dice nada es del fundamento jurídico.
Relations between Turkey and the European Union have always been marked by the unsaid, or even hypocrisy.
Las relaciones entre Turquía y la Unión Europea han estado siempre marcadas por lo oculto, incluso por la hipocresía.
I could not let that go unsaid.
Yo desde luego desearía que también se añadiese esto.
his feelings for her remained unsaid
nunca expresó lo que sentía por ella
The rest, however, remains unsaid.
Pero no se dice nada sobre el resto.
They then 'unsaid' that, implying that 'realpolitik' is the only solution in order to satisfy the Union's energy requirements.
Luego se desdijeron de eso, dando a entender que la "realpolitik" es la única solución para cumplir los requisitos energéticos de la Unión.
There are those who are here to criticise this research and reject it because of something that has remained unsaid and that I am going to say out loud now.
Hay quien está aquí para criticar esta investigación y rechazarla en nombre de algo que no se dice y que voy a decir.
to leave sth unsaid
no decir algo
It is to dare to go beyond what is left unsaid, the soothing proposals, the Community hangover, and dare to call a spade a spade and a crisis a crisis.
Es atreverse a ir más allá de lo que no se ha dicho, de las palabras tranquilizadoras, de la resaca comunitaria y atreverse a llamar al pan pan y a la crisis crisis.
That is no reason to allow these important truths to go unsaid or to be drowned out by the discordant notes of those whom, for whatever reason, look to divide Europe and the United States.
Pero esto no justifica que haya notas discordantes que no digan o que acallen estas importantes verdades y que, por la razón que sea, intenten dividir a Europa y los Estados Unidos.