
"two-color" in Spanish

"two-color" in Spanish
Two color options to match your personal style.
Disponible en dos colores que se adaptan a su estilo personal.

Context examples for "two-color" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
In the two big color windows, you click to select a new color.
Pulse sobre el color que desee seleccionar en las dos ventanas de colores grandes.
You will now see two objects in color which are linked by a vector.
Ahora verá dos objetos de color unidos mediante un vector.
Two color options to match your personal style.
Disponible en dos colores que se adaptan a su estilo personal.
When you invoke this tool, you will see two color objects in the selected object, which are linked by means of a vector.
Tras activar esta herramienta en el objeto seleccionado se muestran dos objetos de color conectados por un vector.
There are two main types of color profiles that Windows continues to support: Windows Color System (WCS) and International Color Consortium (ICC) color profiles.
Existen dos tipos principales de perfiles de color para los que Windows sigue ofreciendo compatibilidad: Los perfiles de color WCS (Windows) e ICC (International Color Consortium).