
"sudoriental" in English

"sudoriental" in English
La consigna en el Asia sudoriental es la de que debe haber moderación.
The watchword in South-East Asia is that there must be restraint.
Asunto: Croacia, Macedonia y la Europa sudoriental
Subject: Croatia, Macedonia and Southeast Europe
Yo querría preguntarle otra cosa: Estamos hablando de Asia sudoriental.
I would like to ask him to tell me something else since we are talking about South-East Asia, if I may.
Al contrario, debe abarcar la Europa sudoriental como tal.
On the contrary, it is all about conceiving of South-Eastern Europe as South-Eastern Europe.
(HU) El Danubio moldea la vida y la historia de Europa Central y Europa Sudoriental.
(HU) The Danube shapes life and history in Central and South-Eastern Europe.
Mantengámosla así y completemos nuestra labor en la Europa sudoriental.
Let us keep it that way, and let us complete our work in south-eastern Europe.

Context examples for "sudoriental" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Asunto: Mejora de la capacidad exportadora de los países de la Europa sudoriental
Subject: Improvement in the export capacities of the countries of South-Eastern Europe
(HU) El Danubio moldea la vida y la historia de Europa Central y Europa Sudoriental.
(HU) The Danube shapes life and history in Central and South-Eastern Europe.
Mantengámosla así y completemos nuestra labor en la Europa sudoriental.
Let us keep it that way, and let us complete our work in south-eastern Europe.
El Acuerdo de Estabilidad de Europa Sudoriental nos ofrece un foro estupendo para ello.
The Stability Pact for South-East Europe offers an excellent forum for this.
Debemos integrar al resto de Europa Sudoriental, que si bien pequeña, es una región compleja.
We need to integrate the small but difficult remainder of South-Eastern Europe.
Ésa es la finalidad del Proceso de Estabilización y Asociación para Europa Sudoriental.
That is the purpose of the Stabilisation and Association Process for South East Europe.
Esa doctrina ya ha hecho mucho daño en la historia del Europa Sudoriental.
That school of thought has already done great damage in the history of south-eastern Europe.
Las actividades futuras se inscribirán en el marco del pacto de estabilidad para Europa sudoriental.
Future actions will take place within the stability pact for south-eastern Europe.
La Unesco ya ha ofrecido su ayuda, al igual que la Asociación de Naciones del Asia Sudoriental.
UNESCO has already offered its help, as has the Association of South-East Asian Nations.
Podría haberme referido también a Japón, y a Asia sudoriental.
I could have talked about Japan. I could have talked about South-East Asia.
La consigna en el Asia sudoriental es la de que debe haber moderación.
The watchword in South-East Asia is that there must be restraint.
Asunto: Amenaza de recesión en la Europa sudoriental y consecuencias para la economía europea
Subject: Impending recession in south-eastern Europe and implications for the European economy
Éste ha sido, desde luego, un año histórico para la Europa sudoriental.
This has of course been a historic year for south-east Europe.
La estabilidad de la región de la Europa Sudoriental requiere la estabilidad de sus componentes.
If south-eastern Europe is to be a stable region, then individual States need to be stable, too.
Yo querría preguntarle otra cosa: Estamos hablando de Asia sudoriental.
I would like to ask him to tell me something else since we are talking about South-East Asia, if I may.
Al contrario, debe abarcar la Europa sudoriental como tal.
On the contrary, it is all about conceiving of South-Eastern Europe as South-Eastern Europe.
En las últimas semanas he estado dos veces en la Europa Sudoriental.
In recent weeks I have twice been in Europe's south-east.
Ésta era la situación en el pasado en la Europa Sudoriental.
Whatever it is, it is wrong, it must stop, it is what the past was like in south-east Europe.
Este hecho es especialmente verídico en el caso de la Europa sudoriental.
That is especially true for south-eastern Europe.
El tráfico de seres humanos en la Europa Sudoriental despierta nuestra más viva preocupación e inquietud.
Human trafficking in south-east Europe is giving us the greatest cause for concern and worry.