
"sinning" in Spanish

"sinning" in Spanish
culpa{f} (falta, pecado)
to let he who is free from sin cast the first stone
aquel que esté libre de culpa que tire la primera piedra
With bitterness the Psalmist recognises this: “Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me” (Ps 51,7).
Lo reconoce amargamente el salmista: “Mira, en la culpa nací, pecador me concibió mi madre” (Sal 51,7).
You, who groan under the weight of sin, rejoice, because through the sacrament of reconciliation, the Lord cancels your fault and erases your sin.
Tú que gimes bajo el peso del pecado: Alégrate, porque, a través del sacramento de la reconciliación, el Señor cancela tu culpa y borra tu pecado.
pecado{m} [rel.]
(Mr President, there is no greater sin in politics than the sin of naïvety.
– (Señor Presidente, no hay mayor pecado en política que el pecado de la ingenuidad.
( Mr President, there is no greater sin in politics than the sin of naïvety.
– ( Señor Presidente, no hay mayor pecado en política que el pecado de la ingenuidad.
oneself as being a sinner, capable of sin and inclined to commit sin, is the
reconocerse pecador, capaz de pecado e inclinado al pecado, es el

Context examples for "sinning" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We are sinning against it; we, and particularly the Serbian Government in Yugoslavia.
La estamos ofendiendo pero, sobre todo, el Gobierno serbio de Yugoslavia.
strive to abstain from sinning again, notwithstanding relapses.
voluntad de luchar para abstenerse de nuevos pecados, no se le ha de negar la
Yes, dear colleagues, we are sinning by indifference.
Sí, estimados colegas, pecamos por indiferencia.
A person who did not commit a sin simply because he or she was not tempted to do so cannot be accused of sinning.
Una persona que no cometió un pecado solo porque no se sintió tentado a hacerlo no puede ser acusada de haber pecado.
more sinned against than sinning
más bien el ofendido que el ofensor