
"sembrada" in English

"sembrada" in English
seed{noun} [sports]
seed{noun} [sports]
Rindo homenaje también a mi antecesor en el cargo por haber sembrado la semilla de este tipo de cooperación positiva con ONG humanitarias europeas.
I pay tribute also to my predecessor in this job for laying the seeds of this kind of good cooperation with the European humanitarian NGOs.
La declaración de independencia de Kosovo ha sembrado las semillas del odio entre los serbios y los albanokosovares, poniendo en peligro sus frágiles relaciones.
Kosovo's declaration of independence has planted the seeds of hatred between Serbs and Kosovo Albanians, endangering their fragile relations.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "sembrado":
Context examples for "sembrada" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Éstas afectarían a los Estados vinculados a la Unión Europea que se introducirían por una vía sembrada de riesgos y de trampas.
These would be imposed on any states linked to the European Union that embark on this road, which is a minefield of risks and traps.
Ha sido una batalla prolongada, ardua, difícil y a veces sembrada de obstáculos, pero siempre apasionante, y me congratulo por haber participado en ella.
It has been a long, arduous and difficult battle, sometimes strewn with obstacles, but it has always been an exciting one, and I am pleased to have been a part of it.
La superficie sembrada de cereales, oleaginosas y proteaginosas (SCOP) de la Unión Europea y de algunos Estados miembros, como Francia, podría ser ampliamente rebasada.
The area under cereal, oil and protein plants in the European Union and some Member States, including France, is in danger of being extensively exceeded.
En la antífona al Evangelio, la Iglesia nos invitaba con las palabras del Apóstol Santiago: “Acoged dócilmente la palabra que ha sido sembrada en vosotros” (Sant 1, 21).
In the Gospel acclamation, the Church invites us with the words of the Apostle James, “Receive with docility the words that has been sown in you” (Js 1:21).