
"repugnance" in Spanish

"repugnance" in Spanish
This is not the way to do something about the great repugnance that our people have for Europe.
Esta no es la manera de hacer algo para contrarrestar la gran repugnancia que nuestro pueblo siente por Europa.
Lastly, I consider that the practices that have been reported should be the subject of a vehement protest by this House, and deserve to be treated with the utmost repugnance.
Finalmente, considero que las prácticas denunciadas deben ser objeto de una protesta vehemente de esta Asamblea y merecen ser acogidas con la máxima repugnancia.
Naturally, Mr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, as Mrs Miranda said, we are not motivated by malice or even by our repugnance when we remember the crime.
Miranda-, no nos mueve ni el rencor, ni siquiera la repugnancia que nos causa el recuerdo del crimen.

Context examples for "repugnance" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
In any case, we have, however, subordinated our repugnance for this topic's colonial backdrop to the interests of those living in the regions concerned.
De todos modos, los intereses de los habitantes de las regiones ultraperiféricas han prevalecido en todo momento sobre nuestro rechazo del trasfondo colonial de esta cuestión.
I consider the remarks in question to be totally inappropriate and a grievous slur on the character of Magda Kovács, a slur which I reject with the utmost repugnance.
Considero los comentarios en cuestión absolutamente impropios y gravemente difamatorios sobre el carácter de Magda Kovács, una difamación que rechazo con el mayor desprecio.
That may sound modest but it is probably a sensible choice in view of the disbelief and repugnance that this development still seems to evoke amongst the professional circles that lawyers move in.
Parece modesto, pero probablemente es una elección inteligente vistas la incredulidad y la aversión que estas tendencias parecen seguir despertando en círculos jurídicos.