
"representatives" in Spanish

We have to listen to the victims, the elected representatives, the local associations involved.
Debemos escuchar a las víctimas, a los cargos representativos, a las asociaciones locales afectadas.
The various representatives of the world of work have a crucial role to play here, and Mrs Boogerd-Quaak and Mr Lindqvist have proposed making additions on these lines.
Los diversos participantes representativos del mundo económico y del trabajo tienen un papel insubstituible.
The various representatives of the world of work have a crucial role to play here, and Mrs Boogerd-Quaak and Mr Lindqvist have proposed making additions on these lines.
Los diversos participantes representativos del mundo económico y del trabajo tienen un papel insubstituible.
The High Representative will assure coordination in our external relations.
El Alto Representante asegurará la coordinación en nuestras relaciones externas.
Moreover, the European Parliament's representative, Mr Deprez, was not invited.
Ni siquiera invitaron al representante del Parlamento Europeo, señor Deprez.
One representative from Hong Kong, one representative from Switzerland and one representative from Australia.
Un representante de Hong Kong, un representante de Suiza, un representante de Australia.
I have been an elected representative for 25 years, but I have never experienced anything like this.
Hace 25 años que soy diputado, señor Presidente, pero nunca me había ocurrido nada semejante.
As a representative of the people, I think that the national governments are at fault here.
Pues bien, como diputado digo que los gobiernos de la Unión Europea incumplen sus compromisos en esta cuestión.
A Member called Féret, a representative of the Front National, called both Mrs Green and myself fascists.
Un diputado llamado Féret, un diputado del Frente Nacional, nos ha tachado de fascistas tanto a la Sra.
Now I am a Member of this House; I did not make this request solely as a citizen, but also as a representative of this Parliament.
Ahora soy diputada a esta Cámara; no he formulado esta petición únicamente como ciudadana, sino también como representante de este Parlamento.
What I wonder as a simple representative of the public is why the people of Britain are still not satisfied with the efforts Europe is making financially.
Sin embargo, en mi calidad de diputada, me pregunto por qué el Gobierno británico sigue sin conformarse con los esfuerzos económicos de Europa.
Ladies, have you so little pride that you would be prepared to hold a ministerial office or wear the sash of an elected representative by virtue of the mathematical odds of the quota?
Señoras,¿tendrían tan poco orgullo como para estar dispuestas a llevar una cartera ministerial o una faja de diputada por la contingencia matemática de una cuota?
The new government has to be truly representative if it is to survive.
El nuevo Gobierno debe ser verdaderamente representativo, si quiere sobrevivir.
A representative Parliament must decide on all expenditure.
Un Parlamento representativo debe decidir sobre todos los gastos.
Either this report, with a representative Parliament, or Nice, with a Parliament that is not fully representative.
O este informe, con un Parlamento representativo, o Niza, con un Parlamento no plenamente representativo.

Context examples for "representatives" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The people' s representatives have the power to undo anything they have done.
Aquello que la representación popular ha hecho, tiene el poder de deshacerlo.
The people's representatives have the power to undo anything they have done.
Aquello que la representación popular ha hecho, tiene el poder de deshacerlo.
In this debate the focus is on the Council and Commission representatives.
Este debate se ha centrado en las responsabilidades del Consejo y de la Comisión.
with perseverance and consistency, and the representatives of other Christian
trabajado con perseverancia, coherencia y valentía, y con nosotros se han
These two women over here, these two representatives, deserve at least as much.
Estas dos mujeres que están ahí, esas dos diputadas, merecen al menos una sanción similar.
Representatives of the world’s countries assembled here in New York to
mundo entero que han venido a Nueva York para reiterar su confianza en la obra
After all, we are the direct representatives of the European citizens.
Queda clara en donde radica la diferencia: participación, libre voluntad, etc.
This is a successful outcome, due to the persistence of Parliament's representatives.
Es, por consiguiente, un éxito de la pertinacia de los parlamentarios en esta Asamblea.
Freedom of speech applies a priori to the representatives of the people.
El derecho a la libertad de expresión se aplica a priori a los elegidos por el pueblo.
The truth is that they have no opportunity to vote women representatives in.
Hay dos países que no han enviado ni una sola mujer como observadora.
Both proposals were carefully considered in the Permanent Representatives Committee.
Confiamos en que finalmente esto redundará en beneficio del pueblo de toda la isla de Chipre.
The Assembly was made up of 78deputies, who were representatives of the national Parliaments.
La Asamblea está formada por 78diputados, delegados de los Parlamentos nacionales.
Representatives of employees’ organisations would sit on its Administrative Board.
Por último, en virtud de estos tres principios hemos votado a favor de las propuestas de la Sra.
A visit by Parliament representatives to Uzbekistan remains a matter of fundamental importance.
Uzbekistán no necesita armas, que pueden usarse para oprimir a su propia población.
The report rightly raises the issue of such representatives in the Council.
El informe del señor Cornillet plantea con razón el tema de esos interlocutores en el Consejo.
It goes without saying that representatives of Parliament will also be invited to participate.
El programa también habrá finalizado para entonces, y podremos presentarlo.
We want to bring representatives closer to the electorate; this is the principle of proximity.
Se pretende acercar los elegidos al elector, es el principio de proximidad.
You have added to your text the idea of a common status for European elected representatives.
Usted añade a su texto la idea de un estatuto común de diputado europeo.
she's going to have a meeting with the company's representatives in Germany
se va a reunir con los representantes de la compañía en Alemania
The delegation from New Zealand consists of five members of the country's House of Representatives.
La delegación de Nueva Zelandia está compuesta por cinco diputados de su parlamento.