
"raper" in Spanish

estuprar {v.t.}
According to Sharia law a married or divorced woman is guilty of adultery if she has sexual intercourse with another man, even if, as in this case, she is the victim of rape.
De acuerdo con la Sharia (ley islámica), una mujer divorciada comete adulterio si mantiene relaciones sexuales con otro hombre, incluso si se trata de un estupro, como ocurre en este caso.
forzar[forzando · forzado] {v.t.} (violar)
Extraordinary brutality is characteristic of this regime; its catalogue of crimes includes rape, torture, forced labour and the use of child soldiers.
La brutalidad extrema caracteriza a este régimen; en el catálogo de sus atrocidades se incluyen la violación, la tortura, los trabajos forzados y el uso de niños soldados.
Under the military regime, the people have suffered violent repression and forced labour, women have been systematically raped; the Karen people has been a particular target, but not the only one.
El régimen militar somete a la población a la violencia y a trabajos forzados y las mujeres son objeto de violaciones sistemáticas.
Six million were forced to leave their homes and thousands of women and children have been kidnapped or raped.
Seis millones se han visto forzados a abandonar sus hogares y miles de mujeres y niños han sido secuestrados o violados.
After all, how many children will have to be raped, kidnapped, even murdered before we finally come up with the solutions we need?
En efecto,¿cuántos menores habrá que violar, raptar, incluso asesinar para que, por fin, encontremos las soluciones que se imponen?
After all, how many children will have to be raped, kidnapped, even murdered before we finally come up with the solutions we need?
En efecto, ¿cuántos menores habrá que violar, raptar, incluso asesinar para que, por fin, encontremos las soluciones que se imponen?
In Bosnia women were raped, children were abducted, people were slaughtered.
En Bosnia se violó a mujeres, se raptó a niños, se perpetraron matanzas.
to rape[raped · raped] {transitive verb}
No one has the right to rape and plunder that region.
Nadie tiene derecho a violar y saquear esta región.
The parties involved in the conflict continue to kill and to rape.
Las partes involucradas en el conflicto siguen matando y violando.
It is not he who allows his militia to rape women who oppose him, but total strangers.
No es él quien permite que su milicia viole a las mujeres que se le oponen, sino gente extraña.
expoliar {vb} [poet.]