
"protestar contra" in English

"protestar contra" in English
to protest{v.t.} [Amer.] (object to)
Así, se trata de una tendencia negativa general y debo protestar contra tales actuaciones.
This is a general negative trend and I must protest against such actions.
Simplemente quiero protestar contra este intento de convertir a los trabajadores en esclavos de los jefes.
I simply wish to protest against this attempt to turn employees into the bosses' slaves.
Aprovecho la ocasión igualmente para protestar contra el encarcelamiento en Francia de José Bové.
I shall also take this opportunity to protest about the imprisonment, in France, of José Bové.

Context examples for "protestar contra" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Señor Presidente, quiero protestar por la discriminación contra los católicos.
MrPresident, I wanted to protest at discrimination against Catholics.
Ayer he recibido la respuesta fechada el 4 de junio y quiero protestar contra esto.
I received an answer yesterday, dated 4 June, and I must protest about that.
Simplemente deseo tomarme la libertad de protestar contra la celebración de este debate.
I merely wish to take the liberty of protesting against our having this debate.
Los liberales queremos protestar enérgicamente contra este juicio, por diversas razones.
We Liberals would like to protest strongly against this trial on several grounds.
Señor Presidente, quiero protestar por la discriminación contra los católicos.
Mr President, I wanted to protest at discrimination against Catholics.
Así, se trata de una tendencia negativa general y debo protestar contra tales actuaciones.
This is a general negative trend and I must protest against such actions.
Debo protestar, realmente, contra ello, porque sólo se trataba de 15 millones.
I really must protest about that, as it was only 15 million.
Sin duda, debemos condenar todas estas cuestiones y protestar enérgicamente contra ellas.
We should, indeed, condemn all these matters and we should protest very strongly against them.
Como socio importante de Egipto nos corresponde protestar enérgicamente contra estas prácticas.
As an important partner of Egypt's, we should protest emphatically against these abuses.
Como socio importante de Egipto nos corresponde protestar enérgicamente contra estas prácticas.
As an important partner of Egypt' s, we should protest emphatically against these abuses.
Aprovecho la ocasión igualmente para protestar contra el encarcelamiento en Francia de José Bové.
I shall also take this opportunity to protest about the imprisonment, in France, of José Bové.
Tenemos que protestar en contra de esta medida y defender a este hombre.
We must protest against this and stand up for this man.
Simplemente quiero protestar contra este intento de convertir a los trabajadores en esclavos de los jefes.
I simply wish to protest against this attempt to turn employees into the bosses' slaves.
salimos a la calle a protestar contra los aumentos en los impuestos
we took to the streets to protest against tax increases
Quisiera protestar enérgicamente contra la vulneración de los derechos humanos que se produce en Rusia.
I strongly protest against violations of human rights in Russia.
Tenemos que protestar contra las repercusiones de la pobreza que se dejan sentir mucho más entre las mujeres.
We should protest against the impact of poverty which is felt disproportionately by women.
Hay incontables motivos para protestar contra la organización actual del mercado del plátano de la UE.
There are very good grounds for opposing the EU's current joint organisation of the banana market.
Llevo puesta una camisa blanca para expresar mi solidaridad y protestar contra las mentiras y la violencia.
I am wearing a white shirt to express my solidarity with and protest against lies and violence.
Actualmente se realizan muchas huelgas de hambre para protestar contra esas condiciones inhumanas.
An extensive hunger strike is currently underway in the prisons to protest against these inhuman conditions.
Por nuestra parte, queremos aprovechar esta oportunidad para protestar contra la guerra imperialista contra Iraq.
For our part, we are using this opportunity to protest against the imperialist war against Iraq.