
"possessed" in Spanish

"possessed" in Spanish
he is possessed by evil spirits
está poseído por los malos espíritus
he was screaming like one possessed
gritaba como un poseído
And the scribes who came down from Jerusalem said, 'He is possessed by Be-el-zebul, and by the prince of demons he
Los escribas, que habían bajado de Jerusalén, decían: está poseído de Beelcebul, y por virtud del príncipe de los demonios echa a los demonios.
endemoniado{adj.} (poseído del demonio)
a child possessed by the devil
un niño endemoniado
Women have rights to possess, inherit, vote and divorce.
Las mujeres tienen derecho a poseer bienes, heredar, votar y divorciarse.
The garages need to possess the equipment required to assess the functioning of an engine while it is running.
Los garajes necesitan poseer el equipo requerido para valorar el funcionamiento de un motor mientras está en marcha.
The person who becomes the service administrator for Microsoft Online Services should possess the following basic skills:
El administrador de servicios de Microsoft Online Services debe poseer las siguientes aptitudes básicas:
But do the Member States possess the necessary instruments, in the short term?
Pero ¿tienen los Estados miembros, a corto plazo, los instrumentos necesarios para ello?
Only those who possess such a document are entitled to obtain housing in Moscow.
Esto significa que sólo tienen un derecho a vivir en Moscú los que tienen el documento adecuado.
Women have rights to possess, inherit, vote and divorce.
Las mujeres tienen derecho a poseer bienes, heredar, votar y divorciarse.

Synonyms (English) for "possessed":
Context examples for "possessed" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Do they not then reflect that their companion is not possessed?
¿No se les ha ocurrido pensar que no hay locura alguna en su paisano?
People have therefore often asked me what on earth possessed me to think that I would get it through just like that.
Mucha gente me ha preguntado por qué razón pensaba que lo iba a conseguir.
This passion of which they were possessed was theocentric.
Esta pasión de la cual están habitados, es teocéntrica.
I was unaware that you possessed such a talent for rhapsody.
No le conocía estas cualidades de rapsoda.
The question remains, however: what possessed the Commission to come up with such poor legislation in the first place?
Sin embargo, la pregunta sigue siendo:¿Qué induce a la Comisión a presentar una legislación tan mala?
The question remains, however: what possessed the Commission to come up with such poor legislation in the first place?
Sin embargo, la pregunta sigue siendo: ¿Qué induce a la Comisión a presentar una legislación tan mala?
He is nothing but a man possessed; so watch him for a while.
[Noé] dijo: "¡Oh Sustentador mío!
We say nothing but that, perhaps, some of our gods have possessed you with madness.
junto con Él!
And your companion is not one possessed (or mad).
Pues vuestro paisano no es un loco:
We share, today, the pain of the victims' families and of those from whom the water has taken everything they possessed.
Hoy, compartimos el dolor de las familias de las víctimas y de aquellos a los que el agua ha arrebatado todas sus posesiones.
he is possessed by evil spirits
está poseído por los malos espíritus
whatever possessed you to hit him?
¿qué aberración te hizo pegarle?
he was screaming like one possessed
gritaba como un poseído
What credibility is still possessed by the Commission, which must ensure that European decisions are carried out, if nothing then comes of anything?
¿Qué credibilidad le queda a la Comisión, que debe hacer cumplir las decisiones europeas, si después todo es inútil?
jealousy possessed him
los celos se apoderaron de él
And We gave him back his people and doubled their number, as a mercy from Us, and as a reminder to those possessed of understanding.
Y le concedimos una nueva descendencia, doblando su número como misericordia Nuestra, y como recordatorio para los dotados de perspicacia.
a child possessed by the devil
un niño endemoniado
she possessed great beauty
poseía una gran beldad
jealousy possessed him
fue presa de los celos
to be self possessed
ser dueño de sí mismo