
"poco interesante" in English

"poco interesante" in English
poco interesante{adjective masculine/feminine}
poco interesante{adjective masculine/feminine}
me resultó poco interesante
I found it rather uninteresting
Como posible fundamento se ha dicho que el orden del día es casi siempre relativamente poco interesante y que eso debería modificarse.
A possible justification cited in favour of change was that the agenda is generally relatively uninteresting and that something should be done about this.

Similar translations for "poco interesante" in English
Context examples for "poco interesante" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Hace poco he tenido una interesante conversación telefónica con el señor Barroso.
I recently had an interesting telephone conversation with Mr Barroso.
Esta directiva parece poco interesante, pero en realidad es " proof putting ".
This directive may seem tedious, but is, in reality, the acid test.
Esta directiva parece poco interesante, pero en realidad es "proof putting".
This directive may seem tedious, but is, in reality, the acid test.
Sin embargo, si recapacitamos un poco, resulta interesante a propósito de esto observar que la mayoría de países cuenta con suficientes normas.
Upon reflection, however, it is interesting to note in this context that most countries have adequate rules.
me resultó poco interesante
I didn't find it very interesting
me resultó poco interesante
I found it rather uninteresting
resultó poco interesante
it wasn't very interesting
Ello lo hace un poco más interesante.
I would also like to thank you for allowing us to sample your British sense of humour in the course of our dealings with this very difficult issue, for it makes things a little more interesting.