
"plazo expirado" in English

"plazo expirado" in English

Similar translations for "plazo expirado" in English
Context examples for "plazo expirado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Sin embargo, ya había expirado el plazo relativo a este programa.
But the deadline for this programme had already passed.
Dicha enmienda no nos parece razonable, ya que excluiría la posibilidad de una oferta de genéricos una vez expirado el plazo de protección.
That is why we do not regard this amendment as useful, because it would preclude the supply of generic drugs once the protection period has expired.
Además está la cuestión de si se puede juzgar ya ahora sobre el cumplimiento o no cumplimiento de los acuerdos, cuando todavía no ha expirado el plazo establecido.
In addition it is debatable if we can already pass judgement on whether the accords are being met or not, whilst the term which has been set in them has not yet expired.
Aunque ya haya expirado el plazo para presentar enmiendas, lamentablemente tengo que decir que este informe no puede enmendarse, porque carece de una estructura sustantiva y jurídica adecuada.
Although the deadline for tabling amendments has been extended, I am afraid I have to say that this report cannot be amended, because it lacks an appropriate substantive and legal structure.