"picar (abeja)" in English
"picar (abeja)" in English
Similar translations for "picar (abeja)" in English
to grab a bite- to grab a bite- to prickle- to prong- to bite- to bite- to bite- to chop- to chop up- to clip- to decay- to eat away- to eat away at- to nibble- to nibble- to peck- to peck- to perish- to pique- to pit- to punch- to scratch- to smart- to sting- to sting- to strike- to take- to tickle- to pink- to blink- to bounce- to buzz off- to chop up- to kick- to prick- to prick- to itch- to mince- to arouse- to break up- to break up- to smash- to chip- to chip away at- to work- to crush- to hurt- to upset- to hurt- to wound- to perforate- to put spin on- to rot- to spur on- to stab- to grind- to goad- to prod- to play … staccato- to eat- to cut- to get money from- to get money out of- to get some money from- to get some money out of- to take the bait- to be hot- to be itchy- to beat it- to split- to knock
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