
"perder terreno" in English

"perder terreno" in English

Context examples for "perder terreno" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Debemos invertir en la independencia de estos países, y hacer perder terreno al nacionalismo.
We must invest in these countries' independence and cut the ground away from nationalism.
Hay un riesgo real de perder terreno en cuanto a la integración política, y la programación financiera es manifiestamente insuficiente.
There is a real risk of losing ground as regards political integration, and financial programming is patently inadequate.
Los corruptos dirigentes africanos prefieren firmar lucrativos acuerdos que no conllevan exigencias, por lo que la UE parece perder terreno.
Corrupt African leaders prefer to sign lucrative deals that do not come with demands attached and so the EU appears to be missing out.
Cuando se trata de negociaciones en la OMC, los americanos no son precisamente ángeles, por lo que hemos de ser muy precavidos para no perder terreno en estas negociaciones.
The Americans are no angels when it comes to WTO negotiations and we have to be very careful not to lose out in those negotiations.
Elmalan, es que la Unión Europea no deja de perder terreno ante las exportaciones norteamericanas, ¡y es cierto!
The complaints that have been made here, by Mrs Elmalan too, I believe, that we are constantly losing ground to American exports to the European Union, are true!
A través de una modificación semejante podríamos evitar perder terreno respecto de los EE.UU y japón quienes ya disponen de una amplia protección de patente para los programas informáticos.
By introducing these new arrangements, we could avoid falling behind the United States and Japan, where there is already extensive patent protection for computer software.
A través de una modificación semejante podríamos evitar perder terreno respecto de los EE.
By introducing these new arrangements, we could avoid falling behind the United States and Japan, where there is already extensive patent protection for computer software.