
"pedir perdón" in English

to apologise{vb} [Brit.]
Me gustaría pedir perdón a los intérpretes por hablar tan rápido.
I would like to apologise to the interpreters for speaking so quickly.
Señor Presidente, en primer lugar quisiera pedir perdón a la ponente por no haber estado presente al comienzo.
Mr President, first of all I would like to apologise to the rapporteur that I was unable to be here at the beginning.
El Vaticano debe castigar de inmediato a los culpables, debe pedir perdón a las mujeres, debe investigar lo que ha sucedido y debe publicar el informe en su totalidad.
The Vatican must lose no time in punishing those responsible, apologise to the women affected, investigate properly what happened and publish the report in its entirety.
to apologize{vb} [Amer.]
vas a tener que pedir perdón — no veo por qué
you'll have to apologize — I don't see why I should
¡al menos podrías pedir perdón!
you could at least apologize!

Context examples for "pedir perdón" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Al mismo tiempo, quiero pedir perdón por irme y no quedarme para escuchar la respuesta.
I would also like to ask to be forgiven for leaving now and not staying to listen to your reply.
Me gustaría pedir perdón a los intérpretes por hablar tan rápido.
I would like to apologise to the interpreters for speaking so quickly.
dispuesto a pedir la gracia del perdón, y hay que ayudarle a
grace of forgiveness; they should be helped to open themselves to the
Por eso los cristianos de Europa deben pedir perdón,
For this the Christians of Europe need to ask forgiveness, even
se cree que con pedir perdón ya está todo arreglado
he thinks he can make everything right by apologizing
vas a tener que pedir perdón — no veo por qué
you'll have to apologize — I don't see why I should
Señor Presidente, en primer lugar quisiera pedir perdón a la ponente por no haber estado presente al comienzo.
Mr President, first of all I would like to apologise to the rapporteur that I was unable to be here at the beginning.
Y Moisés escogió a setenta hombres de su pueblo para que acudieran [a pedir perdón] en el encuentro fijado por Nosotros.
And Moses chose from his people seventy men for Our appointment; and when the earthquake took them he prayed, "O my Lord!
ya es demasiado tarde para pedir perdón
it's too late to say you're sorry now
pedir perdón ahora no te va a servir de nada
apologizing now won't help you
¿tanto te cuesta pedir perdón?
is it really so hard for you to say sorry?
¡al menos podrías pedir perdón!
you could at least apologize!
Por tanto, al evaluar nuestra estrategia sobre el modo de tratar con él en el futuro, comencemos por pedir perdón al pueblo venezolano.
Therefore, in contemplating our strategy on how to deal with him in the future, let us start by saying 'sorry' to the Venezuelan people.
pedir perdón
to offer an excuse
pedir perdón
to say sorry
No será necesario, treinta años más tarde, ir como los belgas a Rwanda y pedir perdón, o como el Santo Padre que se arrodilla por todas partes.
We should not have to go there in thirty years time, like the Belgians in Rwanda, and say sorry, or like the Holy Father, who is prostrating himself all over the place.
Por eso los cristianos de Europa deben pedir perdón, aun reconociendo que fueron diferentes las responsabilidades en la construcción del aparato bélico.
For this the Christians of Europe need to ask forgiveness, even while recognizing that there were varying degrees of responsibility in the events which led to the war.
El Vaticano debe castigar de inmediato a los culpables, debe pedir perdón a las mujeres, debe investigar lo que ha sucedido y debe publicar el informe en su totalidad.
The Vatican must lose no time in punishing those responsible, apologise to the women affected, investigate properly what happened and publish the report in its entirety.
Boumediene, creo que si un Estado quiere pedir perdón, presentar o expresar su remordimiento o su arrepentimiento, él sabe hasta dónde puede llegar.
I believe that it was Mrs Boumediene-Thiery who said that if a State wants to apologise, present or express remorse or regret, at the end of the day, it is up to that State to know how far it can go.