
"pancarta" in English

"pancarta" in English
(Varios diputados del centro y la izquierda sostienen pancartas en las que se denuncia la intervención militar en el Iraq)
(Various Members on the centre and left held up placards denouncing military intervention in Iraq)
Me acerqué y pregunté: "¿Por qué no lleváis una pancarta con la inscripción "Viva Fatuzzo" en lugar de "Viva Roth-Bherendt"?"
I went up to them and asked them why they were carrying placards saying "Long live Mrs Roth Behrendt" and not "Long live Mr Fatuzzo".
Una vez, incluso, le recibimos con pancartas cuando entraba en esta Cámara.
Once we even greeted him with placards as he entered this Chamber.
sign{noun} (in demonstration)
En efecto, en todas las playas que rodean el Lago Balatón hay enormes pancartas informativas escritas en húngaro, inglés, alemán y ruso.
Indeed, on all beaches around Lake Balaton there are huge information signs written in Hungarian, English, German and Russian.
banner{noun} [IT]
Estaban levantando una gran pancarta... no importa en pro de qué fuera.
A huge banner was being raised - it does not matter to what end.
Ruego retirar la pancarta del hemiciclo.
Please withdraw the banner from the Hemicycle.
(La sesión se interrumpe hasta que se retira la pancarta)
(The sitting was suspended until the banner was withdrawn)

Context examples for "pancarta" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
una pancarta enorme encabezaba la manifestación
there was a huge banner at the head of the demonstration
una pancarta enorme encabezaba la manifestación
the demonstration was headed by a huge banner
(El orador levanta una pancarta)
(The speaker brandished a poster)
Señor Comisario, la pancarta se ha diseñado -Georg Jarzembowski- y como siempre el rojo es el color dominante y la base de todo este debate.
Commissioner, the draft is ready - Georg Jarzembowski - and as usual red is the dominant colour and the basis of this whole debate.
– Señor Presidente, tengo una queja grave: hace unos 15 minutos estaba a punto de empezar una protesta pacífica contra la Constitución, en la que iba a desplegarse una pancarta.
A new treaty should be negotiated for the European Union, which should serve as a basis for its development as a federation of independent states.
Debo reflejar una posición más bien negativa de esa comisión: recordarán que en junio de 2005 este hemiciclo se encontraba rodeado por una pancarta que decía« Hacer de la pobreza historia».
I must reflect a rather negative position from that committee: in June 2005 you will recall that this Hemicycle was encircled by a 'Make Poverty History ' band.