
"oscurecido" in English

"oscurecido" in English
Pero un preocupante antecedente de interrupción del escrutinio oscurece, en parte, este horizonte.
But a previous disturbing interruption of voting somewhat darkens this horizon.
Sin embargo, al mismo tiempo los conflictos interétnicos oscurecieron el futuro estatal de las tres Repúblicas transcaucásicas.
At the same time, however, inter-ethnic conflicts have darkened the political horizon of the three Transcaucasian republics.
casi oscurecida por condicionamientos tan grandes, le cueste cada vez más
fact that conscience itself, darkened as it were by such widespread
experiencias subjetivas que podrían oscurecer el mismo Evangelio.
or by promoting subjective experiences that can obscure the Gospel.
Esto no debería oscurecer el conjunto del cuadro, ese gran logro de la Conferencia Intergubernamental.
That must not be allowed to obscure the big picture, the great achievement of the Intergovernmental Conference.
Sus gritos y sus abusos van encaminados a oscurecer este hecho.
Their shouting and abuse is designed to obscure that fact.

Context examples for "oscurecido" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Creo, señor Presidente, que me ha sobrado algo de tiempo, dado que todavía no ha oscurecido.
I think, Mr President, that I have saved some time as it is already evening.
Los conflictos surgidos después no han anulado tal perspectiva, aunque a veces la hayan oscurecido.
The conflicts which later arose have not cancelled out that prospect, even though they have sometimes obscured it.
Son las personas mayores y mujeres que no se atreven a salir cuando ha oscurecido y que van aterrorizadas en el transporte público.
Those are the older people and women who dare not go out after dark and who are terrorised on public transport.
Cuando el sol sea oscurecido,
When the sun is overthrown (or folded up),
Este problema ha oscurecido por completo nuestra política de Schengen, y socava en realidad la credibilidad de la política exterior de la UE.
This issue has completely obscured our Schengen policy and is actually undermining the credibility of EU foreign policy.
Son las personas mayores y mujeres que no se atreven a salir cuando ha oscurecido y que van aterrorizadas en el transporte público.
That is the category of very many native people who are no longer able to feel at home in their own street or their own town, and who become the victims of racist, anti-indigenous violence.
El brote de la fiebre aftosa, que no representa un riesgo para la salud, ha oscurecido en cierta medida las acciones emprendidas para eliminar la EEB de la cabaña europea.
The foot-and-mouth outbreak, which does not present a health risk, has to some extent overshadowed the very genuine steps taken to finally eliminate BSE from the European herd.