
"northeastern" in Spanish

"northeastern" in Spanish
nororiental{adj. m/f}
Things are different in the north-eastern part controlled by the Northern Alliance and in the rest of the country.
Las cosas son diferentes en la parte nororiental del país, controlada por la Alianza del Norte y en el resto del país.
Avid birders travel great distances to glimpse rare boreal species in the cool, moist forests of the Adirondacks and other Northeastern mountains.
Los ornitólogos viajan largas distancias para avistar extrañas especies en los fríos y húmedos bosques de los Adirondacks y otras montañas nororientales.
Mr President, I represent the EU's north-eastern periphery area, Northern Finland.
Señor Presidente, intervengo en representación de la región situada más al nordeste de la UE, de la Finlandia septentrional.
From having been a core Armenian area up until 1915, the north-eastern part of Turkey has now been almost emptied of all its Armenian population.
En la región nordeste de Turquía casi no hay población armenia, después de haber sido una zona fundamentalmente armenia hasta 1915.
Mr President, Europe has concentrated and is continuing to concentrate on the north-eastern border - with enlargement - but it is guilty of neglecting the southern, Mediterranean border.
Europa, señor Presidente, se ha centrado o se centra en la frontera nordeste - véase la ampliación - pero ha descuidado culpablemente la frontera sur, la del Mediterráneo.
The EU’ s northeastern border is at least as crucially important as its border in the southern Mediterranean.
La frontera noreste de la UE es cuando menos tan importante como su frontera sur en el Mediterráneo.
The EU’s northeastern border is at least as crucially important as its border in the southern Mediterranean.
La frontera noreste de la UE es cuando menos tan importante como su frontera sur en el Mediterráneo.
The Duchy defended the values of Western civilisation in its north-eastern periphery.
El Ducado defendía los valores de la civilización occidental en la periferia del noreste.
The Duchy defended the values of Western civilisation in its north-eastern periphery.
El Ducado defendía los valores de la civilización occidental en la periferia del noreste.

Synonyms (English) for "northeastern":
Context examples for "northeastern" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The state of Queensland, in north-eastern Australia has been suffering for a while the presence of cane toads.
El seguimiento cientfico de estos dos pioneros podra desembocar en una reintroduccin a mayor escala en medio enteramente natural.
The north-eastern states are starting to engage in carbon dioxide emissions trading, and want to be part of the European Union emissions trading scheme.
Si el nivel del mar sube medio metro, gran parte de mi país se inundará si no se hace nada al respecto.
The launch of the schedule of measures was to depend on the decision taken by the Regional Advisory Committee for north-eastern waters on 31 January 2006.
Condicionó el inicio del calendario de actuaciones a la decisión adoptada en la reunión del RAC de Aguas del Noroeste del 31.1.2006.