
"nonstop" in Spanish

ininterrumpidamente{adv.} (llover, hablar, llorar)
it has rained nonstop all day
ha llovido ininterrumpidamente todo el día
sin parar{adv.}
However, years of non-stop hard work took a toll on my health and knowing that I was a ticking time bomb reaching the big 4-0 only made me more worried.
Sin embargo, años de trabajo intensivo y sin parar dañaron mi salud.

Context examples for "nonstop" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Every Spring Summit seems to me like a non-stop re-run of the Delors White Paper.
Cada Cumbre de primavera me parece una repetición sin fin del Libro Blanco de Delors.
It has been non-stop ever since we were elected in 1999.
Ha sido un proceso sin descanso desde que fuimos elegidos en 1999.
However, years of non-stop hard work took a toll on my health and knowing that I was a ticking time bomb reaching the big 4-0 only made me more worried.
Sin embargo, años de trabajo intensivo y sin parar dañaron mi salud.
it has rained nonstop all day
ha llovido ininterrumpidamente todo el día
It is now possible, say on a return flight from Manchester to Luxor, for a pilot to work non-stop for 17 hours.
Ahora es posible que un piloto trabaje 17 horas sin interrupción, por ejemplo en el caso de un vuelo de ida y vuelta de Manchester a Luxor.
they worked for 36 hours nonstop
trabajaron sin cesar durante 36 horas
she talked nonstop the whole day
se pasó el día habla que te habla
six hours of nonstop music
seis horas de música ininterrumpida
If that happens, we will have a non-stop dogfight where, proposal by proposal, Parliament will defend its rights as a co-legislator.
Si eso ocurre, tendremos una refriega sin fin en la que, propuesta por propuesta, el Parlamento defenderá sus derechos de colegislador.
As if this were not enough, we now have the reforms needed by the reform strategy, which amounts to a non-stop reform process.
Por si esto no fuera suficiente, ahora tenemos las reformas exigidas por la estrategia de reforma, que equivale a un proceso de reforma interminable.
I take this opportunity to thank the crew who have been working non-stop for more than 2 years, and also the scientists on land and aboard Tara.
Aprovecho esta oportunidad para agradecer a la tripulación que ha trabajado incansablemente durante más de dos años y a los científicos a bordo y en tierra.
Since scientific work is non-stop, it would be to women's advantage to work from home as well, unless their presence at the workplace is inevitable.
Dado que la labor científica no admite interrupciones, beneficiaría a las mujeres trabajar también desde casa, a menos que su presencia en el lugar de trabajo resulte inevitable.
With that in mind, it is really not necessary for Mr Cohn-Bendit to provide a non-stop flow of comments and conversation to accompany the voting; it is distracting.
Teniendo esto en cuenta, realmente no es necesario que el señor Cohn-Bendit ofrezca un flujo sin fin de comentarios y conversaciones para acompañar a la votación; es molesto.