
"no te preocupes" in English

"no te preocupes" in English
no te preocupes, déjame hacer a mí
don't you worry, just let me take care of it
no te preocupes
don't you worry

Similar translations for "no te preocupes" in English
Context examples for "no te preocupes" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
No te preocupes si eres un usuario avanzado y conoces de memoria muchos atajos de teclado.
Don’t worry if you’re a power user who has memorized many keyboard shortcuts.
no comas eso que te hará mal — no te preocupes, bicho malo nunca muere
don't eat that, it'll make you ill — don't worry, I'm as tough as old leather
Si rechazas la invitación, no te preocupes; la persona que te la ha enviado no recibirá ningún mensaje.
Don't worry, this person won't receive any message if you refuse the invitation.
No te preocupes por registrarte de este modo, ya que el número de tu amigo no se vinculará a tu cuenta.
You don't have to worry about your friend's number being attached to your account.
" No te preocupes " - le contesté - " hoy es viernes 7 de julio.
" Do not worry ", I said, " Today is Friday 7 July.
"No te preocupes" - le contesté - "hoy es viernes 7 de julio.
"Do not worry" , I said, "Today is Friday 7 July.
no te preocupes por la correspondencia, déjala a mi cuidado
don't worry about the mail, I'll take care of it
No te preocupes si todavía tienes un sistema operativo de 32 bits o tu hardware actual no soporta 64 bits.
Don’t worry if you’re still running a 32-bit operating system or your current hardware isn’t 64-bit capable.
no te preocupes, encontraremos la manera de que llegues a Roma
don't worry, we'll get you to Rome somehow
no te preocupes por cocinar, vayamos a cenar fuera
forget about cooking, let's go out to dinner instead
no encuentro la llave — no te preocupes, ya aparecerá
I can't find the key — don't worry: it'll turn up
no te preocupes, mujer, ya verás como todo se arregla
don't worry, you'll see everything will be OK
no te preocupes por ella, lo que pasa es que está celosa
don't worry about her, she's just jealous
no te preocupes por él, es de los que siempre salen a flote
don't worry about him: he's a survivor
No te preocupes: añadiremos bastantes en breve.
Don't worry: we'll be adding a lot of them soon.
no te preocupes por eso que es una menudencia
don't worry about that, it's of no importance
no te preocupes — ¡no voy a preocuparme!
don't worry — what do you mean, don't worry!
no te preocupes, demasiado has hecho ya
don't worry, you've done far too much already
no te preocupes; no soy de los que guardan rencor
don't worry; I don't bear grudges
no te preocupes, déjame hacer a mí
don't you worry, just let me take care of it