
"no ser capaz" in English

"no ser capaz" in English

Similar translations for "no ser capaz" in English
Context examples for "no ser capaz" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Sin embargo, la sociedad demuestra no ser capaz de erradicar esta lacra.
Nonetheless, society is proving to be unable to stamp out this scourge.
El actual gobierno ha demostrado no ser capaz de conjurar la violencia, y una solución política del conflicto no está a la vista.
The present Government has not yet managed to stamp out the violence and there seems to be no political solution to the conflict in sight.
Y, hoy en día, un banco puede no ser capaz de entender el complejo prospecto publicado por otro banco acerca del contenido de los fondos que vende.
Today, one bank is not capable of reading the complex prospectus that another bank publishes on the content of the funds it is selling.
Usted deberá tener representación en otros lugares -me vienen a la mente Mallorca y Kiev- puesto que se le ha criticado por no ser capaz de estar en todas partes a la vez.
You will have to be represented in other places - Mallorca and Kiev come to mind - as you have been criticised for not being able to be everywhere at once.
Por ejemplo, Sri Lanka, un país al que le encantaría cumplir los objetivos pero que, debido a múltiples condiciones -no voy a entrar en detalles- podría no ser capaz de hacerlo.
For example, Sri Lanka, which would love to fulfil the goals, but because of many conditions - and I do not want to go into the details - might not be capable of doing so.
A pesar de ser consciente del importante aumento de las violaciones graves de los derechos humanos, el Gobierno mexicano parece no ser capaz o no estar dispuesto a hacer algo para atajarlo.
Despite knowledge of the major increase in serious violations of human rights, the Mexican Government appears to be unable or unwilling to do anything about it.