
"no responder" in English

"no responder" in English
to fade{v.i.} [autom.] (brakes, engine)

Similar translations for "no responder" in English
Context examples for "no responder" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
No pueden responder solos al aumento de la competitividad en esta economía global.
They cannot respond alone to the increased competitiveness of this global economy.
Si trabajamos con presión, no tendremos tiempo de responder a todas estas preguntas.
When working under pressure there will be no time to answer all these questions.
No obstante, esto no será posible sin responder a algunas importantes preguntas.
This will not be possible, however, without answers to some major questions.
En segundo lugar, diré que yo no puedo responder en nombre del Consejo de Ministros.
Secondly, I would like to say that I cannot answer for the Council of Ministers.
No tienen nada que responder a las despreciables declaraciones de la señora Palacio.
They have nothing to say in the face of the despicable statements by Mrs Palacio.
No debemos querer responder a todo precio a un mercado en constante evolución.
We must not seek to respond at any price to a constantly developing market.
Por último, los precios no parecen responder a cambios en la oferta y la demanda.
Finally, prices do not appear to respond to changes in supply and demand.
Ese sería el coste real, al que no seríamos capaces de responder a largo plazo.
That would be the real cost, to which in the longer term we would not be able to respond.
El sector público no puede responder con suficiente agilidad al cambio tecnológico.
The state sector cannot respond quickly enough to changes in technology.
No podemos dejar de responder a las brutales acciones que se han presenciado en Guinea.
We cannot fail to react to the brutal action which has been seen in Guinea.
No se puede responder a esto más que comprometiendo la manera de ser y de actuar.
We cannot avoid agreeing without changing our way of being and acting.
Se han planteado muchísimas cuestiones, y no me es posible responder a todas ellas.
A great many issues have been raised, and there is no way that I can respond to them all.
Carezco de información sobre ello y por tanto no puedo responder a esta pregunta.
I have no information on that, and so I cannot answer that question.
No creo que pueda responder como representante del Gobierno italiano.
I do not feel I can reply as a representative of the Italian Government.
Me doy cuenta de que no puedo responder aquí en toda su extensión a la pregunta formulada.
I am aware that I am unable to respond fully right now to the question asked.
Señora Presidenta, en este momento no puedo responder de manera precisa a dicha pregunta.
Madam President, I cannot provide an accurate answer to this question at the moment.
No se puede responder de un modo preciso porque los ingresos dependen de varios factores.
There's no precise answer, because your earnings will depend on a number of factors.
Es importante porque nos hemos esforzado por responder a no pocas de sus expectativas.
This is important, because we have endeavoured to respond to many of your expectations.
No podemos responder a estas amenazas limitándonos a adoptar medidas de seguridad interna.
We cannot deal with those threats only by taking internal security measures.
Tal vez tuviera demasiadas preguntas que abordar y no pudiera responder a la mía entonces.
Perhaps he had too many questions to deal with to be able to answer me then.