
"masqué" in English

"masqué" in English
mascar{intransitive verb}
Debo tranquilizar al señor Poettering sobre mi capacidad para mascar chicle al mismo tiempo que escucho con atención.
I am anxious to reassure Mr Poettering of my ability to chew gum while still listening carefully to what he has to say.
Creo que esta propuesta no tiene cabida en un informe como éste, porque los riesgos para la salud que presenta el tabaco de mascar, entre ellos el cáncer de lengua, son por todos conocidos.
I believe that this request does not belong in a report such as this, for the health risks presented by chewing tobacco, namely cancer of the tongue and so on, are generally recognised.
to crunch[crunched · crunched] {v.t.} (eat noisily)
to crunch[crunched · crunched] {v.i.} (eat noisily)

Context examples for "masqué" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
He has won two other Masque awards, in 2005 for his work on Le Peintre des Madonnes and in 2007 for Hosanna, both of which were directed by Serge Denoncourt.
His other lighting designs have garnered a dozen award nominations.
Es más,¿qué sucede si el culpable no puede pagar o si no se encuentra al autor, o si todo se lleva conforme a las normas sobre la autorización?
Does that imply, however, that those with a great deal of money are allowed to cause a great deal of pollution?
Una vez más,¡qué incentivo!
Another attractive proposal!
Trentin plantea algo más:¿qué más podemos hacer, desde el punto de vista del Pacto de Estabilidad y Crecimiento, en términos de crecimiento?
However, Mr Trentin raises something else: what more can we do, in relation to the Stability and Growth Pact, in terms of growth?
Tengo una pregunta más:¿Qué parte del plan de acción – presentado por el Consejo y en el que usted está implicado– se ha aplicado hasta ahora, en junio?
I have one further question: How much of the action plan – presented by the Council and with which you are involved – has been implemented by now, by June?
In 2003 he co-wrote a show with Patrice Dubois about the life of Orson Welles: Everybody's Welles Pour Tous, for which he received the Masque de la Meilleure Production Montréal.
He has won two other Masque awards – in 2005 for his work on Le Peintre des Madonnes and in 2007 for Hosanna, both of which were directed by Serge Denoncourt.