
"los dos" in English

"los dos" in English
los dos{pronoun}
los dos{pronoun}
Este Parlamento y la Unión en general tienen muchas razones para estarles agradecidos a los dos.
This Parliament and the Union more generally have good reasons to be grateful to you both.
Quisiera referirme a los dos y contestar a los dos en concreto.
I would like to refer to both of these speeches and answer them both specifically.
Existen ejemplos en los dos extremos, tanto positivos como negativos.
There are examples at both extremes, both positive and negative.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "los dos":
Similar translations for "los dos" in English
Context examples for "los dos" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
(RO) El informe describe la necesidad de reducir la burocracia en los dos campos.
(RO) The report outlines the necessity of reducing bureaucracy in the two fields.
Esas dos mujeres y los dos periodistas son auténticos representantes de Europa.
Those two women and the two journalists are genuine representatives of Europe.
Incluso Washington ha afirmado que las relaciones han mejorado entre los dos países.
Even Washington has said that relations between the two countries have improved.
Quisiera citar directamente lo que dijeron en esa ocasión dos de los profesores:
I should like to quote directly from what two of the teachers said on that occasion:
Hay una solicitud presentada por representantes de los dos Grupos implicados.
I have received a request from the representatives of the two groups concerned.
En todo caso para la Comunidad era interesante vincular los dos ordenamientos.
In any event it would be in the Community's interests to link the two systems.
Por tanto, quisiera felicitar a los dos ponentes, el señor Surján y el señor Maňka.
I would like to congratulate the rapporteurs for this, Mr Surján and Mr Maňka.
Este es un ejemplo excelente de por qué necesitamos mantener juntos los dos enfoques.
This is an excellent example of why we need to keep the two approaches together.
Por tanto, nuestra propuesta es aplicar el reglamento más estricto de los dos.
Therefore, our proposal says that the stricter of the two regulations should apply.
En ese sentido, el contexto ha cambiado completamente en los dos últimos años.
In that sense the context has changed completely in the past couple of years.
Si, por ejemplo, los puertos son dos, puede promover más el uso de uno de ellos.
If, for example, there are two ports, one could be promoted over the other.
La revisión ha identificado ciertos patrones, de los que destaco dos en particular.
The review has identified certain patterns, of which I note two in particular.
tener presentes los dos principios fundamentales que supone la inculturación,
questions should bear in mind the two fundamental principles of inculturation,
No se observaron diferencias en la tasa de shock cardiogénico entre los dos grupos.
There was no difference on the effect of cardiogenic shock between the two groups.
Señor Presidente, quisiera felicitar a los dos ponentes en este debate conjunto.
Mr President, I should like to congratulate the two rapporteurs in this joint debate.
Señora Presidenta, en primer lugar me gustaría felicitar a los dos ponentes.
Madam President, first of all, I should like to congratulate the two rapporteurs.
Es difícil considerar los dos hechos de forma completamente aislada uno del otro.
It is difficult to see the two facts in complete isolation from one another.
La actitud del Consejo durante los últimos dos años no ha sido satisfactoria.
The attitude of the Council over the last two years has not been satisfactory.
El Parlamento había pedido un mejor entendimiento mutuo entre los dos banco.
Parliament had called for a better mutual understanding between the two banks.
Esos son los dos aspectos que creo que son fundamentales para nuestro compromiso.
Those are the two aspects that I believe are fundamental to our compromise.