
"legerdemain" in Spanish

"legerdemain" in Spanish
It is so gloomy that it leaves no room even for legerdemain or for further misleading farmers.
Es tan pesimista que ni siquiera deja espacio para la prestidigitación o para engañar más a los agricultores.

Context examples for "legerdemain" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We published our alternative report on the Treaty of Nice to try to make sure that the debate in France avoids this legerdemain.
Hemos publicado nuestro contrainforme sobre el Tratado de Niza para intentar que el debate francés escape a este escamoteo.
However, in his review he is concealing a little - applying legerdemain - with regard to the sheep and goatmeat report.
Ahora bien, en la reseña que ha hecho nos ha obsequiado con un truco de prestidigitador por lo que se refiere al informe sobre la carne de ovino y caprino.