
"insurance premium" in Spanish

"insurance premium" in Spanish

Synonyms (English) for "insurance premium":
Similar translations for "insurance premium" in Spanish
Context examples for "insurance premium" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
export credit guarantee or insurance programmes at inadequate premium rates (item(j))
rectificaciones, GATT de 1994, Nota Explicativa (c)(ii) y (iii)
It will therefore affect insurance premium calculations for men, as well as other areas covered by this directive, namely access to and supply of goods and services.
Antes hemos debatido sobre la igualdad de trato entre mujeres y hombres en el terreno de la cooperación al desarrollo.
There is constant pressure to replace income-dependent insurance premiums with a premium that is the same for everyone regardless of their income.
Una y otra vez se ha presionado mucho a fin de sustituir los ingresos dependientes de las primas de seguro por una prima que sea igual para todos, independientemente del ingreso.
However, some argue that there is a lack of competition and that a higher volume of cross-frontier business might bring down motor insurance premium levels.
Sin embargo, hay quien alega que hay falta de competencia y que un mayor volumen de negocio internacional pudiera bajar los niveles de las primas de los seguros de automóviles.