
"insidioso" in English

"insidioso" in English
insidioso{adjective masculine}
insidioso{adjective masculine}
Esta acción insidiosa fue preparada en el Conferencia contra el racismo de cara al futuro.
This insidious action was prepared at the Conference against Racism with a view to the future.
Queremos continuar ese trabajo, pero no de manera insidiosa.
We wish to continue that work, but not in an insidious manner.
Señor Presidente, Señorías, las bombas de fragmentación son armas de un tipo particularmente insidioso.
Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, cluster bombs are weapons of a particularly insidious kind.
Dado que me opongo al matrimonio gay por principios y me opongo especialmente a esta insidiosa forma de política, he votado en contra de este apartado y en contra del informe.
Since I am opposed to gay marriage out of principle and, in particular, to this deceitful style of politics, I have voted against this paragraph and against the report.
Los que se oponen al Tratado en Irlanda están difundiendo información insidiosa afirmando que el salario mínimo será 1,84 euros.
Those opposing the Treaty in Ireland are spreading scurrilous information about the minimum wage to be EUR 1.84.
En los últimos días el Parlamento ha sido objeto de una crítica totalmente gratuita e insidiosa, una crítica que no se merece.
In recent days this Parliament has come in for some of the most uncalled for and scurrilous criticism, criticism which it does not deserve.
snide{adj.} (remark, comment)
En Europa es probable que suelte un comentario insidioso o pida al Gobierno que le obligue a pagar tantos impuestos que tenga que cerrar el negocio.
In Europe he would probably pass snide comments or call on the government to tax him out of business.

Context examples for "insidioso" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Marca previamente su terreno organizando un acondicionamiento insidioso de las mentes y, en esa fase, la cultura desempeña un papel primordial.
It begins by marking out its territory and organizing the stealthy conditioning of minds. During this phase, culture plays a leading part.
En Europa es probable que suelte un comentario insidioso o pida al Gobierno que le obligue a pagar tantos impuestos que tenga que cerrar el negocio.
In this connection, the revised directive on European works councils is still blocked, even though it has been approved by Parliament.
– Señor Presidente, si un diputado realiza un ataque insidioso al país de un colega, creo que un representante de ese país debería poder tener la oportunidad de responderle.
Mr President, if a Member makes a vicious attack on a colleague’ s country, then I think a representative of that country should be given the opportunity to answer back.
– Señor Presidente, si un diputado realiza un ataque insidioso al país de un colega, creo que un representante de ese país debería poder tener la oportunidad de responderle.
Mr President, if a Member makes a vicious attack on a colleague’s country, then I think a representative of that country should be given the opportunity to answer back.