
"infractora" in English

"infractora" in English
abuser{noun} [idiom] (of rules, norms)
A comienzos de la década, Alemania era la gran infractora.
At the start of this decade, it was Germany that was the main offender.
abuser{noun} [idiom] (of rules, norms)
Ha ayudado a entrenar y a armar a terroristas que han atacado a las fuerzas de la OTAN en Afganistán y es un infractor de los derechos humanos.
It has helped train and arm terrorists that have attacked NATO forces in Afghanistan and it is a human rights abuser.
Si queremos proteger el medio ambiente debemos pensar en medidas penales y civiles contra los infractores.
If we want to protect the environment we must consider criminal as well as civil action against the abusers.
Este problema se da principalmente en el centro y el este de Europa, donde el número de infractores es mayor.
This problem primarily affects the pension systems of Central and Eastern Europe, where there is a very large number of such abusers.
transgressor{noun} [form.]
La propia Agenda 2000 de la Comisión corre semejante riesgo si la voluntad de integrar el medio ambiente en otras políticas no se traduce en medidas con calendarios y sanciones para los infractores.
The Commission's Agenda 2000 runs a similar risk, if the will to integrate the environment into other policies is not translated into measures, with timetables and penalties for transgressors.
offender{noun} [law] [Amer.]
¿Qué país fue el mayor infractor en 2010?
Which country was the biggest offender in 2010?
Por consiguiente, a los infractores reincidentes habría que aplicar las sanciones penales más rigurosas.
For a continuous offender, then there should be the most rigorous enforcement of criminal sanctions.
El peor infractor no es la DG SANCO.
The worst offenders are not DG SANCO.