
"hated" in Spanish

"hated" in Spanish
to hate{transitive verb}
In fact to do that would be even more unpopular than your hated Lisbon Treaty.
En realidad, hacerlo resultaría incluso menos popular que su Tratado de Lisboa, tan odiado.
That would encourage patriotic feeling on the part of the Iranians, and they would rally to the support of the hated regime and its nuclear weapons, if any.
Animaría el sentimiento patriótico de los iraníes, que se unirían en apoyo del odiado régimen y de sus armas nucleares, si las hay.
All of us here are the representatives of people who hated one another, who sought to destroy one another, and some who waged war on one another for centuries.
Todos aquí somos representantes de pueblos que se han odiado, que han intentado destruirse, que, en algunos casos, lucharon durante siglos.
to hate[hated · hated] {transitive verb}
Mr President, there can be no compromise with those who hate freedom and democracy.
Señor Presidente, no podemos transigir con los que odian la libertad y la democracia.
I know that you all hate President Klaus because he believes in national democracy.
Sé que todos odian al Presidente Klaus porque cree en la democracia nacional.
In the dream I asked him: ‘Why did you hate us Europeans and Americans so much?’
En mi sueño le preguntaba: «¿Por qué nos odia usted tanto a los europeos y a los estadounidenses?»
Most companies hate competition.
Casi todas las empresas detestan la competencia.
That is because they hated what Allah revealed, so He rendered their actions fruitless.
¡esto, porque detestan lo que Dios ha hecho descender --y entonces Él hace que todas sus obras se malogren!
That is because they say to those who hate what Allah has revealed, "We will obey you in only some matters.
ya que suelen decir a los que detestan todo lo que Dios ha revelado: “Aceptaremos vuestros puntos de vista en algunas cuestiones.
He who loves his wife loves himself. For no man ever hates his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body."
El que ama a su mujer, as í mismo se ama, y nadie aborrece jamás su propia carne, sino que la alimenta y la abriga como Cristo a la Iglesia, porque somos miembros de su cuerpo".
The Green Group has a love-hate relationship with transport.
El Grupo de los Verdes mantiene una relación de amor-odio con el transporte.
We cannot stand for such barbaric acts: they are expressions of hate and intolerance.
No podemos consentir semejantes actos de barbarie: son expresiones de odio e intolerancia.
We all see and face the problems of hate crimes and discrimination.
Todos vemos y nos enfrentamos a los problemas de delitos por odio y discriminación.

Synonyms (English) for "hated":
Context examples for "hated" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I tried the recipe on the kids and they hated it
les hice el plato a los niños y no les gustó nada
they sat her next to Rodrigo whom she hated
la sentaron al lado de Rodrigo, al que detestaba
they sat her next to Rodrigo who she hated
la sentaron al lado de Rodrigo, al que detestaba
she hated the somberly painted room
odiaba los colores sombríos de la habitación
she hated the sombrely painted room
odiaba los colores sombríos de la habitación
he so hated the job, he left
odiaba tanto el trabajo, que lo dejó
he hated having to ask her
odiaba el tener que pedírselo
Those who dispute concerning the revelation (signs or communications) of Allah without any authority that He has given them; greatly hated is it by Allah and by those who believe.
los que cuestionan los mensajes de Dios sin tener potestad alguna para ello: [un pecado] sumamente detestable para Dios y para aquellos que han llegado a creer.