
"green space" in Spanish

"green space" in Spanish

Context examples for "green space" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Answers must be found to the challenges of transport, housing, suburbanisation and green space.
Debemos encontrar respuestas a los retos del transporte, la vivienda, la suburbanización y los espacios verdes.
The broad debate arising from the Commission's Green Paper on European space policy highlights several points.
El amplio debate suscitado por el Libro Verde de la Comisión sobre la política espacial europea pone de relieve varios puntos.
.: 309 Construction and management of green space in existing and new urban areas of Hanoi Do HAU (Viet Nam)
Ref.: 73 Aménagements urbains et conservation des sites historiques au Togo: le cadre législatif et sa mise en œuvre TUBLU Komi Nkegbe Foga
1st International and the 4th National Conference on Urban Landscape and Green Space 25 - 26 October 2010.
1st International and the 4th National "Conference on Urban Landscape and Green Space in Arid and Semi Arid regions: Challenges and Policies" 25 - 26 octubre 2010.
I have voted with satisfaction and relief in favour of the excellent report by my colleague, Mr Bodrato, concerning the Green Paper on European space policy.
He votado con satisfacción y alivio a favor del excelente informe de mi colega, el Sr. Bodrato, relativo al Libro Verde sobre la política espacial europea.
I have voted with satisfaction and relief in favour of the excellent report by my colleague, Mr Bodrato, concerning the Green Paper on European space policy.
He votado con satisfacción y alivio a favor del excelente informe de mi colega, el Sr. Bodrato, relativo al Libro Verde sobre la política espacial europea.
.: 309 Construction and management of green space in existing and new urban areas of Hanoi Do HAU (Viet Nam) Physical integrity of historic urban landscapes
Ref.: 309 Construction and management of green space in existing and new urban areas of Hanoi Do HAU (Viet Nam) Integridad física de los paisajes urbanos históricos
The inhabitants of Athens have to contend with very poor air quality, since it is the EU capital with the lowest proportion of green space per inhabitant.
Los habitantes de Atenas afrontan, como es sabido, un problema de "asfixia", ya que se trata de la capital con el menor porcentaje de espacios verdes por habitante de toda la UE.