
"good-natured" in Spanish

campechano{adj.} (bondadoso)
I would also like to say that my colleagues have been remarkably good-natured and entered into the discussion in a spirit of cooperation and good will.
También querría decir que mis colegas han sido extraordinariamente benévolos y han participado en el debate con un espíritu de cooperación y buena voluntad.

Similar translations for "good-natured" in Spanish
Context examples for "good-natured" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
What began as a good-natured event degenerated into a state of siege with a high degree of aggression and violence.
Lo que comenzó como un happening divertido, termino en un estado de sitio con gran agresividad y violencia.
Again, that is because of the good-natured discussion of my colleagues trying to reach a satisfactory, simple solution.
Una vez más, se debe al debate cordial de mis compañeros diputados, que han intentado llegar a una solución satisfactoria y sencilla.
he was remarkably good-natured about it
se lo tomó muy bien
a good-natured person
una persona de buen carácter
I should like to take this opportunity today to share my memories of our dear colleague, who was a magnificent, honest and good-natured man, as well as a social activist and a patriot.
Me gustaría aprovechar esta oportunidad hoy para compartir mis recuerdos de nuestro colega fallecido, un hombre espléndido, honesto y bondadoso, así como un activista social y un patriota.