
"food science" in Spanish


Similar translations for "food science" in Spanish
Context examples for "food science" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Of course many of them will have had links with the food industry, links with science elsewhere.
Naturalmente, muchas de ellas estarán relacionadas con la industria alimentaria, tendrán vínculos con otras ramas de la ciencia.
However, the information must be provided in such a way that you do not need a degree in food science to understand it.
Pero la información debe facilitarse de un modo que no sea preciso tener una carrera en ciencias alimentarias para poder comprenderla.
I have gone on record several times, including in my hearings before Parliament, that my decisions on food safety will be science-based.
Varias veces, incluidas mis comparecencias ante el Parlamento, he hecho constar que mis decisiones en materia de seguridad alimentaria se basarían en los dictámenes científicos.