
"envoltorio" in English

"envoltorio" in English
He declarado que no tiene que brillar el " envoltorio» sino el " contenido».
I have already said that pretty wrapping paper is not enough, but that the contents must also be right.
He declarado que no tiene que brillar el "envoltorio» sino el "contenido».
I have already said that pretty wrapping paper is not enough, but that the contents must also be right.
Si el término "constitución" resulta impopular e inaceptable, se le pone un nuevo envoltorio para que puedan ignorarse los rechazos anteriores.
If the term 'constitution' proves unpopular and unacceptable, it is given a fresh wrapping so that past rejections can be ignored.
He declarado que no tiene que brillar el " envoltorio» sino el " contenido».
I have already said that pretty wrapping paper is not enough, but that the contents must also be right.
He declarado que no tiene que brillar el "envoltorio» sino el "contenido».
I have already said that pretty wrapping paper is not enough, but that the contents must also be right.
Es como si el proyecto fuera una maravillosa caja de bombones con un bonito envoltorio, pero absolutamente plagada de gusanos en el interior.
It is almost as if the project was a wonderful, beautifully-wrapped box of chocolates, but inside was absolutely packed with worms.
packaging{noun} (wrapping)
Muchos de los productos en cuestión se usan como envoltorios, cosméticos, accesorios para el baño y, desafortunadamente, juguetes.
The many products involved are used as packaging, cosmetics, bathing accessories and, unfortunately, toys.
La propuesta de que ciertos chocolates contengan información sobre sus ingredientes en la parte anterior del envoltorio, es discriminatoria y totalmente injustificada.
The proposal that information about the contents of certain forms of chocolate should be provided on the front of the packaging is discriminatory and completely unjustified.
¿Puedo preguntarle si, a juicio de la Comisión, a la hora de enjuiciar los productos del tabaco, al igual que a los Comisarios, lo importante no es el envoltorio sino el contenido?
May I ask you whether the Commission is of the view that tobacco products, like Commissioners, should be assessed not on their packaging but on their content?
paper{noun} [Brit.] (wrapper)
He declarado que no tiene que brillar el " envoltorio» sino el " contenido».
I have already said that pretty wrapping paper is not enough, but that the contents must also be right.
He declarado que no tiene que brillar el "envoltorio» sino el "contenido».
I have already said that pretty wrapping paper is not enough, but that the contents must also be right.
El tema del Tíbet demuestra una vez más que la retórica europea muchas veces no es más que un envoltorio moral y que en realidad solo importan los intereses económicos.
The Tibet issue once again demonstrates that European rhetoric all too often amounts to nothing but moral wrapping paper and that in reality, only economic interests matter.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "envoltorio":
Context examples for "envoltorio" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Me temo que el señor Schüssel nos ha servido hoy sólo el envoltorio.
I am afraid that today Mr Schüssel has only served us with a delicate outer case.
Pero de lo que se trata es del relleno, pues con el envoltorio no se satisface a Europa.
But it is the filling that matters; Europe will not be satisfied with just an empty case!
Este es un auténtico envoltorio vacío.
We are simply being fobbed off.
El señor Pittella tiene razón: unas pinceladas de maquillaje, un poco de brillo de labios y quizás una ligera venda sobre los ojos, pero al fin y al cabo, un envoltorio vacío.
Mr Pittella is right: a dab of powder, a touch of rouge, perhaps a little wool pulled over the eyes, but nothing more than an empty shell.
¿Puedo preguntarle si, a juicio de la Comisión, a la hora de enjuiciar los productos del tabaco, al igual que a los Comisarios, lo importante no es el envoltorio sino el contenido?
May I ask you whether the Commission is of the view that tobacco products, like Commissioners, should be assessed not on their packaging but on their content?
La propuesta de que ciertos chocolates contengan información sobre sus ingredientes en la parte anterior del envoltorio, es discriminatoria y totalmente injustificada.
The proposal that information about the contents of certain forms of chocolate should be provided on the front of the packaging is discriminatory and completely unjustified.
Las personas con reacciones alérgicas a determinados aditivos deben tener, además, la seguridad de poder identificar directamente las sustancias nocivas para ellas en el envoltorio.
People with allergic reactions to certain ingredients must also be enabled to recognise with certainty from the packaging when substances dangerous to them are present.
Recientemente se ha preguntado a la Comisión por la seguridad de productos asociados, que en muchos casos consisten en un juguete que acompaña al producto alimenticio en un envoltorio separado.
The Commission has recently been questioned on the safety of associated products, often consisting in a toy accompanying the food product in a separate background.