
"engineers" in Spanish

The response to this technological challenge does credit to our engineers.
Este desafío tecnológico honra a nuestros ingenieros.
We should not leave people in the dark, and this includes mechanical engineers.
No debemos abandonar a nadie en la incertidumbre, entre otros a los ingenieros mecánicos.
Poland is sending a 400-strong contingent, including engineers and medics.
Polonia ha enviado un contingente de 400 efectivos, que incluye ingenieros y médicos.
It is as if we are engineering one.
Es como si lo estuviéramos urdiendo.
When you set seven days of complete calm as a precondition, you can always find somebody who is not for the peace process and who, at the last minute, can engineer a catastrophe.
Cuando se fijan siete días de calma total como requisito imprescindible, siempre hay alguien que no está a favor del proceso de paz y que, en el último minuto, puede urdir una catástrofe.
Was this in order to engineer a bloody showdown?
¿Era para tramar un enfrentamiento sangriento?
In my view, those who have engineered this debate are making a deliberate effort to sabotage much of the progress in EU-Tunisia relations in recent years.
En mi opinión, quienes han tramado este debate están realizando un esfuerzo deliberado por sabotear en gran medida los avances en las relaciones UE-Túnez registrados en los últimos años.
At this point I declare an interest as a professional engineer.
A este respecto expreso mi interés como ingeniero profesional.
—Frank Filipetti, Producer/engineer (James Taylor, Korn)
Frank Filipetti, productor/ingeniero (James Taylor, Korn)
I myself am an aeronautical engineer so I should not be complaining about this.
Yo soy ingeniero aeronáutico y no debería quejarme.
industrial technical engineer
ingeniero técnico industrial
technical sales engineer
ingeniero técnico comercial
hydraulic engineer
ingeniera hidráulica
software engineer
ingeniera de software
systems engineer
ingeniera de sistemas
The case in question was that of the Amalgamated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen versus the UK.
El caso en cuestión era el del sindicato de maquinistas de ferrocarril Amalgamated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen contra el Reino Unido.
mecánico{m} (de fotocopiadoras, lavadoras)
We should not leave people in the dark, and this includes mechanical engineers.
No debemos abandonar a nadie en la incertidumbre, entre otros a los ingenieros mecánicos.
Today it is happening with the textile industry, tomorrow it will be the mechanical engineering industry and later on the electronics industry.
Hoy sucede con el textil, mañana con el sector mecánico y después con la electrónica.
In the mid 20th century it had 35 years of use as an engineering workshop before being converted to an artist’s studio and residence in the 1970s.
A mediados del s.XX tuvo 35 años de uso como taller mecánico, después se convirtió en un estudio y residencia para un artista en los años 70.
At all hours, technical support is available via an English-speaking engineer with an interpreter service.
El servicio de soporte técnico está disponible a todas horas a través de un ingeniero de habla inglesa con un servicio de intérprete.
industrial technical engineer
ingeniero técnico industrial
alarm installation engineer
técnico instalador de alarmas
hydraulic engineer
ingeniera hidráulica
software engineer
ingeniera de software
systems engineer
ingeniera de sistemas
mecánico{m} (de fotocopiadoras, lavadoras)
We should not leave people in the dark, and this includes mechanical engineers.
No debemos abandonar a nadie en la incertidumbre, entre otros a los ingenieros mecánicos.
Today it is happening with the textile industry, tomorrow it will be the mechanical engineering industry and later on the electronics industry.
Hoy sucede con el textil, mañana con el sector mecánico y después con la electrónica.
In the mid 20th century it had 35 years of use as an engineering workshop before being converted to an artist’s studio and residence in the 1970s.
A mediados del s.XX tuvo 35 años de uso como taller mecánico, después se convirtió en un estudio y residencia para un artista en los años 70.

Context examples for "engineers" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
700 000 of the best European research engineers are abroad.
700 000 de los mejores investigadores europeos se encuentran en el extranjero.
We should instead leave that to the engineers and promote competition between environmentally-friendly alternatives.
El tema central del Reglamento sobre los gases fluorados es su fundamento jurídico.
“I decided to trust what my fellow engineers were saying and took VENUE along for the ride,” he says.
“I decided to trust what my fellow engineers were saying and took VENUE along for the ride,” he says.
“They’re incredibly easy to operate, which frees the engineers to really focus on the music.
“Son increíblemente fáciles de utilizar, lo que da libertad a los operadores para que se concentren en la música.
My colleagues and I will therefore be putting together a package of amendments that allows engineers to develop their own platform.
Espero que este paquete cuente con el apoyo de una gran mayoría de esta Asamblea.
Life is not an invention of genetic engineers.
La vida no es una invención de los tecnólogos de la genética.
These engineers will record the debates and votes in order to produce a 360o panorama of Parliament's work.
Van a grabar los debates y las votaciones a fin de reproducir un panorama de 360º sobre los trabajos del Parlamento.
WORLD COUNCIL OF CIVIL ENGINEERS - EUROPEAN COUNCIL OF CIVIL ENGINEERS Joint Conference on "Seismic Protection of Cultural Heritage" 31 oct - 1 nov 2011.
WCCE - ECCE - TCCE Joint Conference on "Seismic Protection of Cultural Heritage" 31 oct - 1 nov 2011.
It is another attempt by the social euro-engineers, who are so obsessed with the utopian super-state that they ignore common sense.
Se trata de otro intento de los euroingenieros sociales, que están tan obsesionados con el utópico superestado, que se olvidan del sentido común.
Becoming one of the industry’s most respected live sound engineers requires ample amounts of talent, versatility, and passion.
Convertirse en uno de los operadores de sonido en directo más respetados en la industria requiere de una enorme cantidad de talento, versatilidad y pasión.
the Engineers
el cuerpo de ingenieros
Upgrade equips live-sound engineers with key integration capabilities to enhance sound quality and deliver jaw-dropping shows Learn More >
MediaComposer 6, Symphony 6 e ISIS 5000 superan a Final Cut Pro X en soporte de flujos de producción colaborativos y profesionales Learn More >
We know that it is not only engineers who sit in Parliament but also good, elected politicians who seek to make the best of each proposal.
Me parece que hemos aprendido mucho en los últimos meses sobre esta tecnología, para concluir, al final, que en última instancia sigue siendo una decisión política.
As I have explained, we have issued a kind of appeal to all small and medium-sized enterprises and engineers able to develop innovations in this field.
El libro verde tendrá por objeto precisamente plantear las preguntas adecuadas, que deberían permitirnos conocer mejor todas las aplicaciones posibles.
I believe that some of the aspects introduced by Mr Zappalà are premature, as has been said in this House, and I would ask that a common platform be established for engineers.
– Señor Presidente, hace unos 15 años, siendo un joven profesor, solicité y me ofrecieron una plaza en la Universidad Libre de Berlín.
Also, it’s compatible with Pro Tools, so we can use a lot of different plug-ins, and its quick and easy to use for freelance engineers and us.”
También es compatible con ProTools, de manera que podemos usar muchos plug-ins distintos, y es rápida y fácil de usar tanto para nosotros como para operadores invitados”.
What legal certainty means is that mechanical engineers know exactly what rules they have to follow and what regulations are actually in force, and that they are not left in the dark.
Significa que debemos impulsar medidas que establezcan un régimen uniforme, especialmente en el caso de las directivas relativas a tractores.