
"disingenuousness" in Spanish

falso{adj. m}
It is disingenuous to try to claim that it is not an agreement.
Es falso afirmar que no se trata de un acuerdo.
The choice of words is biased and disingenuous.
La elección de las palabras es sesgada y falsa.
This is why interference by Europe can now be experienced in the countries of the developing world as disingenuous, arrogant and neo-colonialist.
Es por eso por lo que no debe de extrañar que hoy la injerencia de Europa en los países del Tercer Mundo sea tachada de falsa, arrogante y neocolonialista.
falsa{adj. f}
The choice of words is biased and disingenuous.
La elección de las palabras es sesgada y falsa.
This is why interference by Europe can now be experienced in the countries of the developing world as disingenuous, arrogant and neo-colonialist.
Es por eso por lo que no debe de extrañar que hoy la injerencia de Europa en los países del Tercer Mundo sea tachada de falsa, arrogante y neocolonialista.
Let me express my amazement, Mr President, at the Commission's ingenuousness with regard to some of these crucial issues.
Señor Presidente, permítame admirar el candor de la Comisión respecto a algunos expedientes cruciales.

Synonyms (English) for "disingenuous":
Context examples for "disingenuousness" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
That is a mixture of disingenuousness and absurdity.
Existe una mezcla de falta de sinceridad e irracionalidad.